Posts Tagged ‘Universal’

Browsing On A Sunday: Megaupload, Banning Sex Offenders From Libraries, And Better World Books

23 Jan

The fallout from the Megaupload seizure by the U.S. government continues. The immediate reaction saw denial of service attacks on web sites the Department of Justice and media giant Universal earlier last week. Additional attacks continued through the weekend taking…


Ninth Circuit Upholds Safe Harbors In Veoh Case

21 Dec

A while back a federal district court concluded that Internet video service Veoh was entitled to safe harbor protections under the DMCA against charges of copyright infringement made by the Universal Music Group. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed…


Browsing On A Sunday: Secret Contracts, Another Dean Goes, and Let It Snow

19 Dec

The story of the missing Megaupload to YouTube gets stranger as time goes on. Universal demanded of the video featuring major artists in support of Megaupload be removed. The assumption was that the takedown request was filed in accordance with…


Will There Be a Better Time for Promoting Adoption of Universal Citation in the US?

11 Jul

While I will stand by my general premise that there is a professional divide between the documentation and law librarian communites that needs to be bridged, there are times when both are on the same page. Both oftentimes see the…


Internet Access as a Human Right: US Government Moves to Develop and Deploy "Shadow" Internet to Undermine Repressive Regimes

14 Jun

“[T]he Internet has become a key means by which individuals can exercise their right to freedom of opinion and expression, as guaranteed by article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political…