Posts Tagged ‘search engine’

Undocumented Search Operators In Google

05 Dec

Searching Google, or any search engine for that matter, almost always offers relevant results, though with a lot of noise hits thrown in just for the fun of it. I’ve always imagined how Google might benefit from using Boolean connectors…


The New Search Model: "Everyone plugs into the search engine, only a few understand how it works"

17 Nov

A definition of the algorithm: The algorithm is an effective method expressed as a finite list of well-defined instructions. And that is the problem today’s new legal search engines present for users and instructors of online legal research in the…


Google Books Case Gearing Up For Trial As Settlement Talks Still Going On

16 Sep

There are some developments in the Google Book Settlement talks. Search Engine Land is reporting from cited sources that Judge Chin is setting up pretrial steps with the idea that the case could go to trial sometime in mid-2012. However,…