Posts Tagged ‘Engine’

Undocumented Search Operators In Google

05 Dec

Searching Google, or any search engine for that matter, almost always offers relevant results, though with a lot of noise hits thrown in just for the fun of it. I’ve always imagined how Google might benefit from using Boolean connectors…


The New Search Model: "Everyone plugs into the search engine, only a few understand how it works"

17 Nov

A definition of the algorithm: The algorithm is an effective method expressed as a finite list of well-defined instructions. And that is the problem today’s new legal search engines present for users and instructors of online legal research in the…



31 May

My web hosts for this site offered me the chance to migrate to a new platform, from Movable Type to WordPress.  I said yes, go ahead.  The result is what you see now, a big improvement, I think. The layout and design is so much more versatile. It explains why I have been absent for a while.  Another change, which I welcome, is that I now invite my readers to make comments, and interact with me.

There has been a problem which is to do with what is called SEO (Search Engine Optimization).  I don’t want to lose the positions in Google, for example, which have been in prominent places for a long time now. But one also needs to avoid any “404s” showing up, in other words a dead link.  This has meant the arduous task of tagging old entries with the “301″ tag, which means that the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is redirected to a different permanent address on a different server.

As well, there has been a problem getting the old internal and external links to work, especially the pictures.  Pictures and videos are all important these days.  Readers/subscribers have become more sophisticated, and expect all the bells and whistles to be available.  So we’re working on it.

Bear with me.  I’m no expert, and this is all a learning experience for me too.  But I want to get my story out in the best way possible.

The next stop will be an E-Book.  Stay tuned.