Posts Tagged ‘duty’

Time and duty to one’s employer is "of the essence" in vendor relations; much less so for AALL

25 Jan

Most if not all of us who have budgets to manage, collections to develop, and patrons to serve view vendor relations as something more than just is “a topic on everyone’s mind.” We have been and continue to take actions…


CALI’s New Booth Bunny

19 Jan

Sarah Glassmeyer reflects on representing an exhibitor instead of being a conference attendee. See A Booth Bunny’s Tale (“[T]o say I was dreading this duty was putting it mildly really. I don’t schmooze well. I’m pretty introverted. … It is…


On "not inconsequential economic advantages"

14 Jul

We believe that public bodies have a duty to make law public and accessible free-of-charge, and that these objectives are further advanced if our courts, legislatures and government agencies commit to the production of official versions of primary legal materials…


A Casual Chat With Matt Bruce: Veteran, Talk Show Host, Tea Party Patriot

06 Jul Founder “Rabble Rousin'” Rich Bergeron talks to Matt Bruce in the podcast below about everything from the Casey Anthony verdict Tuesday to politics, the debt crisis, and responding to the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. This is a very intriguing show touching every base and bringing out the best Bruce had to offer. Stay tuned to the end where Bruce will tell you where you can find him on the World Wide Web.

Bruce’s background:

*********** National Radio Host

**************** Recipient of the Fire Department’s Highest Award for Bravery, “The Medal of Valor,” awarded for actions above and beyond the call of duty

*********************A Vietnam Veteran and retired Fire-Rescue Captain whom was injured in the line of duty

***********A First Responder to the attacks of September 11th, 2001 at the World Trade Center

************************A former Town Tax Assessor who helped roll back taxes in his Hometown during the 80’s that eventually increased tax rolls through new building and development in the process