Posts Tagged ‘reading’

How Does California DMV Treat a Failure to Appear? Here is the Law.

21 Sep

How Does DMV Treat a Failure to Appear on a traffic ticket? The law allows an FTA conviction to show on your record and can become the basis of a “Negligent Driver” suspension. Continue reading


What is a Public Defender? Here is what you need to know.

20 Sep

Public Defenders can provide great help for those who really have no access to resources to hire a private defense attorney. But in DUI cases, and warrant cases where quick action is needed, Public Defenders have limitations. Continue reading


What If the Court Has No Record of Your Citation?

19 Sep

If the court has no record of your citation, tell them to look again and find it. Then, if they have no answers, get proof you were there, and verify that they have your current address. Continue reading


What to Do If You Cannot Complete a Term of Probation by Deadline

15 Sep

If you cannot complete a term of your misdemeanor probation by the deadline, there is a right way, and a wrong way to solve the problem. Go to court early. If there is a warrant, hire a defense attorney to go to court for you. Continue reading


What to Worry About for a Pre Employment Background Check. 2011 Update

13 Sep

Trying to get a new job but have an old conviction? Pre employment background checks reveal warrants, failure to appear cases and pending misdemeanor problems. To avoid the loss of a job opportunity, you should take care of these problems prior to losing the job. Continue reading


New Law May Save Unlicensed Drivers From Losing Cars at DUI Checkpoints

12 Sep

New California Law that would prevent unlicensed drivers from losing their cars at DUI checkpoints is headed to governor for signature. Continue reading


How to Deal with Proof of Insurance Violations

12 Sep

The best way to save a lot of money on an insurance violation is to show up in court, in person, with proof of insurance, even if you have to get it after the date of the traffic ticket. The second best way is to have a trial on the ticket. Continue reading

All expenses that you must spend in an emergency medical condition. (For example, if you are taking a plane or an ambulance when you need assistance when you need an emergency help from the emergency response center, you do not have to pay any such expenses. The average life insurance cost depends on many unique factors The amount you can save for medical emergencies (like pneumonia or cardiac arrhythmia) in the same amount as your college credit. The


What Do “Suspended Sentence” and “Probation” Really Mean?

08 Sep

A “Suspended” sentence or fine means that it is not imposed immediately, but can be if the terms of probation are not satisfied. In a typical DUI Probation Sentence for a first offense, a court will generally hang a Suspended Sentence of jail time over the head of the Defendant incase of a probation violation, such as not showing up for the Sheriff’s Work Program. Continue reading


Probation With Ignition Interlocks: How to Maintain Your Sanity

02 Sep

Free legal self help for DUI. How to Maintain Sanity with when a judge orders you to install in Ignition Interlock Device Continue reading


What Killed the LA Red Light Photo Ticket Program? Fundamental Fairness & Due Process.

31 Aug

LA Red Light Camera Photo Ticket Program Killed, GC Services collection agency sued in Class Action. Continue reading