Posts Tagged ‘News’

Good News: Recovered From Eye Surgery.

02 Dec

mentioned previously that I had a detached retina in my right eye which required that I not read or write during the healing period. Watching video was permitted, but moving my eyes across a printed page would interfere with the healing process. The surgery was on October 4, 2010, and I am happy to report that this week I am fully recovered, and my sight in that eye is 20/25 which is an excellent outcome.

It has been almost 8 weeks that I have not been reading or writing. My son helped my through email by reading it to me and typing as fast as I could dictate, and text to speech applications help enormously in getting through day. But I am very grateful that I can read and write again after this long hiatus and happy to get back to work. This experience has given me much more understanding of the problems faced by any one who has a sight deficit and has to work on a computer all day along.

I want to extend a thanks to every one who supported me during this period with their positive thoughts and actions. It made the time go faster.


Daily Mail at it AGAIN!

27 Aug


Healthy Dietary Patterns

As nutrient-dense vegetables, potatoes fit into several healthy dietary patterns including the Healthy U.S.-Style eating pattern, U.S. Healthy Mediterranean-Style eating pattern, U.S. Healthy Vegetarian eating pattern and the Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet. Check these phenq reviews.

Potatoes provide a great-tasting, affordable nutrient package that can help people improve their overall nutrient intake and diet quality. Research shows that potatoes make significant contributions of key shortfall nutrients to diets of children, adolescents, and adults.

  • A collection of studies, supported by APRE and published in Advances in Nutrition identified a substantial body of evidence that demonstrates how the inclusion of white vegetables, such as potatoes, can increase intake of shortfall nutrients as well as help increase overall vegetable consumption (1). The open-access supplement can be viewed in entirety here.
  • An APRE-supported analysis examined the intake and nutrient contribution of total vegetables, white potatoes and French fries in Americans aged 2 and older, based on national dietary intake survey data from NHANES 2009-2010. Individuals who consumed white potatoes had significantly higher total vegetable and potassium intakes than did non-consumers. In addition, the proportion of potassium and dietary fiber contributed by white potatoes was higher than the proportion they contributed to total energy. Among white potato consumers aged 14-18 years, white potatoes provided 23 percent of dietary fiber and 20 percent of potassium but only 11 percent of total energy in the diet (2). These are the latest alpilean reviews.
  • A NHANES analysis examining the contribution of potatoes to nutrient intakes among children and adolescents found that potatoes contribute 10 percent of daily intake of dietary fiber, vitamin B6, and potassium and 5 percent or more of thiamin, niacin, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, phosphorus, magnesium and copper (3).

For more information, read:

  • Enjoy Your Food…Just Eat Less
  • Meeting Your MyPlate Goals on a Budget
  • Mini-Guide: Meeting Your MyPlate Goals on a Budget
  • Eat and Enjoy a Variety of Fruits and Vegetables on MyPlate
  • Make a Perfect Plate with Potatoes. This is how metabo flex works.
  • Press release: Don’t judge the nutrient content of white vegetables by color alone


  1. White vegetables: a forgotten source of nutrients. Adv Nutr. 2013; 4: 318S-326S, 2013.
  2. Storey ML, Anderson PA. Contributions of white vegetables to nutrient intake: NHANES 2009- 2010. Adv Nutr. 2013;4:335S-44S.
  3. Freedman MR, Keast DR. White potatoes, including French fries, contribute shortfall nutrients to children’s and adolescents’ diets. Nutr Res. 2011;31:270–7.