Posts Tagged ‘law schools’

Newsflash: Law Schools Don’t Teach Law Students To Be Lawyers

22 Nov

There was an article published in the New York Times last Sunday, What They Don’t Teach Law Students: Lawyering, and it’s worth reading, even if we knew most of it already. In summary, the legal academy doesn’t teach law students…


Get Out of (Some) Debt Free Card

21 Nov

Two Yale law profs, Akhil Reed Amar and Ian Ayres, are suggesting that law schools offer to pay half of loan debts incurred if students decide to quit law school after receiving their grades at the end of their first semester. This isn’t always the answer if you are struggling with debt, you could contact a professional debt consolidation expert like the ones from CreditAssociates to learn how to get out of debt.

According to a debt consolidation expert, getting out of debt can be tough but it is possible if you are in control. Here are some ways on how you can be debt free:

A way to increase your income:

Not having an immediate job offer is one of the most common reasons of why people struggle to make ends meet. Some people are employed in the private sector and they have good income potential. They can apply for any job that they are interested in.

One way to increase your income is to learn how to make money through online courses or sales. A lot of people find ways to earn extra income as well. I have put together a list of online courses that I suggest you take a look at. Here are some of the courses that you might want to take:

How to Use Mobile Apps to Make Money

How to Use Social Media To Sell More

How To Earn More Income Online

Why Businesses Don’t Like to Pay You to Click on Their Links

What is the Future Of Online Marketing?

More control over your financial affairs:

Many of us want to do more with our money, but are unsure what to do next. Some people turn to borrowing money, while others turn to payday loans. There are many options that you can use to control your money in a different way. There are many different services that you can go and get loans from. You can go through a bank or use an online lending service that allows you to get money instantly. You can also go to a loan company that helps you obtain loans. You can even go on a financial planning course and learn more about your finances and how to manage your money.

The Financial Guide to Start Your Financial Future

Now, this is a book that’s going to give you the best financial advice. It’s going to tell you how to get the best job in the future. It’s going to tell you the best places to live and where to buy the most expensive thing you can afford. All the information you need to be a successful entrepreneur and entrepreneur is on this book, including how to find the right financial advisor to help you make investments and save money and how to make a profit by growing your business.

The only thing that’s missing is how to make money as an entrepreneur.

Let me tell you what I think is missing here.

You can probably guess how I got into entrepreneurship.

It’s because I was a writer. And I had this great idea that I wanted to start my own business. I wanted to run my own business on my own terms and not in the way I had to. That’s how I got into it. But I have been successful since. I’m still in the game. I made a little bit of money off my previous business, but I took a real hit when I couldn’t get my company back on its feet. I tried and tried and tried, but it didn’t work. When I finally decided I had to get back to running my own business, my idea was to go to a small market and try and get this business started. You can’t really grow a business that way. I was still trying to figure out how to do it.

As you mentioned in the video, your business has been successful. What are you doing with the money you made from making the video?

I use it to build a new business. I want to focus my efforts in building a site that’s similar to mine with videos that show you how to use my


Law Porn: From p-mailing to e-mailing

17 Nov

Recently, law prof Stephen Bainbridge reported that Today, I’d guess that 67% of the mail I get at the office is law porn [promotional literature from law schools] that goes straight into the recycling bin without ever being read. ……


Are Law Schools Facing a Crisis? NLJ launches new blog on legal education

02 Nov

Quoting the “About the Blog” Statement Rising tuition. Misleading employment statistics. Inadequate skills training. Law schools have faced plenty of criticism for their role in the struggles of young lawyers today. The National Law Journal has assembled a panel of…


Short Takes On The News: Law Schools and The Supreme Court

24 Oct

Robert V. Ward Jr., Dean of the University Of Massachusetts Dartmouth School Of Law, resigned at the end of last week citing health reasons. There are some questions hovering over the resignation due to an audit of University credit card…


Declining Academic Credentials of 1Ls: Will the mad dash to fill seats in the legal academy put lower-tier law schools at risk of losing ABA accreditation?

14 Oct

After presenting a statistical analysis showing that enrollment rates at ABA law schools have been increasing while LSAT takers and law school applicant rates have been declining over time, Gary Rosen writes If the sharp drop in takers in June…


ATL’s Current Photo Caption Contest Focuses on the Shed West Era in Law School Libraries

13 Oct

Here’s the photo for ATL’s latest caption contest. Entries due by 11:59 PM today. How about “just too damn expensive to maintain in print”? Or “thank god, WEXIS doesn’t charge law schools list price because they want to addict law…


Moneyball-ing Legal Services (and Law Schools and Law Libraries)

13 Oct

We shouldn’t be surprised that the new film, Moneyball, would lead to a discussion of the applicability of Moneyball-ing law firm hiring and retention, and the value of legal services provided to clients. Heck, seven years before the movie and…


LSAC Working to Audit LSAT and GPA Statistics Provided By Law Schools

11 Oct

One the heels of my post yesterday, Senator Boxer Calls Out ABA On Jobs Data And Scholarships, comes news that the LSAC has had a change of heart and will now audit LSAT and GPA scores reported annually by law…


Senator Boxer Calls Out ABA On Jobs Data And Scholarships

10 Oct

Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) sent a letter to the American Bar Association last Thursday asking the organization take steps to protect law student consumers. She is “disappointed” to learn that the ABA is not requiring law schools to report the…