Posts Tagged ‘home’

Nursing Home Injury

06 Apr

Nursing home injury, neglect, or negligence often result from deviations from the accepted standard of care. Legal action is most frequently
sought for the following 12 causes of nursing home injury.

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Nursing Home Abuse – Legal Claims

06 Apr

Nursing home abuse can cause residents to fall victim to malnutrition and dehydration; bedsores; elopement and
wandering issues; inadequate security; broken bones or other injuries due to falls; injuries related to improper
restraints ; emotional abuse; physical abuse; and sexual abuse. Here’s what you need to know and watch out for.

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Personal Injury Claims Lawyer

06 Apr

Personal injury claims lawyer with the best outcome? Start your search here.
Mesothelioma, medical malpractice, wrongful death lawsuits, defective products, defective medicines, nursing home injury, here’s what you need to know and ask.

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What Should You Do (or not do) When Stopped by Police?

13 Dec

This is a common question people have. Some have committed crimes, some are concerned about being falsely accused (such as for racial profiling or whatever reason) and others are just interested to know. For some who may be reading this, it may be too late. Perhaps you were stopped by police and already made some mistakes. Still, I would encourage you to be informed for future reference and so you know why you’re lawyer might be advising you as he/she is.

The ACLU has outlined what you should do in this handy pamphlet available in pdf for free (you can also contact the ACLU for a printed version on a pocket sized cart you can keep in your home/car). The gist of it is you should be cooperative and courteous to the police, give your identification and give basic information such as who you are and where you live. However, do not volunteer any information about the events and by all means request an attorney when arrested. You have rights, including the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney. Use them.

Sometimes, police will use trickery to obtain a confession. They may tell you that they will be easier on you if you confess or that they know you did it, so you should just admit it. This is often not the case. In many instances, an accused’s perceived confession is the strongest, if not the only, evidence used to obtain a plea or finding of guilt in court. In fact, even if you believe you have a valid defense, still do not admit to the conduct. For instance, if you are accused of assaulting someone as the result of a fight, don’t say “Sure I hit him, but he punched me first so it was self-defense.” What you believe to be a valid defense might actually not be, so wait until you consult an attorney to bring it up.

Remember,  even if guilty, you still have rights. Make certain you know your rights. Do not sabotage your chances for success in court.

Any questions or comments concerning this topic? Do not hesitate to post comments or contact via email or telephone.


What is My Landlord Required to Repair?

11 Dec

It’s December and the mercury in the thermometer is rapidly falling. What if your landlord hasn’t fixed that furnace that hasn’t been working properly?

Often, residential renters complain that their landlord is not repairing various defects on the premesis. Obligations for the Landlord are found in the Ohio Revised Code § 5321.04. Basicly, the landlord is required as follows:

  1. Repairs required to make the premesis livable;
  2. Ensure that the electric, plumbing, heating, and ventilation is functioning properly;
  3. Supply heat (both hot water and to regulate the temperature within;
  4. Keep common areas clean (such as hallways and stairways used by multiple tenants);
  5. Provide garbage cans/dumpster for waste disposal (if there are more than 4 tenants);
  6. Give at least 24 hrs notice before entering the home, unless there is an emergency (tenant may otherwise deny entrance); and
  7. Make sure the premesis is up to code.

If your landlord is not meeting these requirement, there are recourses. However, whatever you do, do not simply withhold rent. You must go through the proper channels. This will be the subject of a post in the near future. Cheers fom!!!

A free resource!!!

And for landlords who want to make sure you’re in conformity with the law, some products form Nolo would be a wise investment. Click below for details.