Archive for the ‘Vehicle Code’ Category

What is the Sentence for a First Offense DUI in California?

05 Jul

The Penalties and sentence for a first offense DUI charge are routine in most California courts. Most people get the same sentence, but there can be aggravating factors. And in some counties, Ignition Interlock Devices will be required for even first offenders. Continue reading


How to Get a Court Date on a Case with a Warrant.

09 Jun

How to get a court date for a bench or arrest warrant in California. You have to get the case on the court’s schedule again. Voluntary action will prevent the worst consequences. Continue reading


What are Veh. Code 40508a Warrants? We Explain in Simple Terms.

17 May

If you miss a court date in CA on a traffic citation, the court may issue a bench warrant under vehicle code section 40508(a) and add a new misdemeanor charge. Continue reading