How to Fill Out a Petition to Vacate Civil Assessment under Penal Code section 1214.1 with the best legal argument to win and/or set up a Traffic Court Appeal Continue reading
Archive for the ‘Suspended Drivers Licenses’ Category
Get Ready! Look Up the Text of Code Violations Prior to Your Court Date
You can, and should look up the text of the law for a violation prior to going to court. Continue reading
How to Find a Crap Load of Old Traffic Tickets w/ a Failure to Appear Suspension
Free Advice and tips on how to find a bunch of old traffic tickets with failure to appear charges or drivers license holds. Continue reading
Catch a Vehicle Code 12500a Violation? A Valid License Helps, But Not Required.
If you are dealing with a citation for driving without a valid license under vehicle code section 12500(a), getting it reduced to an infraction is a good result. Continue reading
Want to Complain About Court Collections Agency in Los Angeles, Santa Clara, or Sacramento? Now You Can.
Answer to recurring User Questions: Los Angeles Traffic Ticket fine sent by court to a collection agency and you want to complain? Continue reading
Which is Worse? Driving on a Suspended License vs. Driving W/O a Valid license
Driving on a Suspended Drivers License is a more serious offense than driving without a valid drivers license because it is a misdemeanor crime that brings possible jail time and 2 negligent driver points on your DMV record. Continue reading
What are Veh. Code 40508a Warrants? We Explain in Simple Terms.
If you miss a court date in CA on a traffic citation, the court may issue a bench warrant under vehicle code section 40508(a) and add a new misdemeanor charge. Continue reading