Archive for the ‘rules of court’ Category

Casey Anthony & Lawyer Know-How

05 Jul

Casey Anthony

What did the lawyers need to know?

If you believe they needed to go to law school to learn how to do what they did, you’re dead wrong!


  • They called witnesses.
  • They reviewed evidence.
  • They made objections.
  • They argued over jury instructions.

What else?

Think about it, please.

Just go over in your mind what you saw of the trial on TV. Or, if you haven’t watched, go back over what you’ve seen on “Law & Order” or any other TV show or movie that depicts trials and court proceedings.

Was any of it all that complicated?

Did any of it require a law school education?

What did the lawyers REALLY NEED TO KNOW?

The Defense was often maligned by the media, but they got the job done by raising reasonable doubt. The prosecution provided a superb closing argument, but their case did not give any real proof that Casey Anthony murdered her daughter. The explanation given by the defense that described the child drowning in the family swimming pool could not be dismissed. No matter how much the mother lied to police and her family, there was absolutely no way to show what really happened to cause Caylee Anthony’s death. Those facts added up to a not guilty finding on all of the major counts. Casey was only found guilty on multiple counts of lying to a law enforcement official, which the defense admitted to multiple times. It may have taken weeks and seemed extremely complicated, but the concepts were actually very simple.

Let me tell you.


The lawyers needed to know only the following:

  1. the fact elements of the crimes charged,
  2. the available evidence that would establish (or oppose) those fact elements,
  3. how to get evidence admitted to the record,
  4. how to question witnesses on the stand,
  5. how to object when the judge or other side went outside the rules, and
  6. how to argue convincingly.

Six things any average 8th grader can master with just 24-hours with my official Jurisdictionary “How to Win in Court” step-by-step course!


#1 – We all know how to find fact elements of crimes charged. They’re set out in statute books and spelled out in jury instructions. No law school education required!

#2 – Evidence is found by law enforcement or dragged out of witnesses … willing or unwilling. It doesn’t require much of lawyers other than to follow leads. It certainly does not require a 3-year law school education! It’s all simple, step-by-step common-sense mixed with a bit of work digging for the facts! Nothing complicated at all!

#3 – Getting evidence admitted requires nothing more than a passing knowledge of a few evidence rules. (Only 13 pages in federal cases and not much more in the 50 states.) Nothing that requires 3 years in law school.

#4 – Questioning witnesses requires knowing only a few rules. None of these is complex or more than an average 8th grader can understand. Here are a few: (1) you may not lead your own witness, (2) you may not ask a witness what was said by someone who is not in court, (3) you may not ask a witness to guess what someone else was thinking, (4) you cannot ask a witness to guess at facts (unless the witness is an expert). These few rules can be learned by anyone in a matter of hours … not 3 years at an expensive law school!

#5 – Learning how to object effectively requires nothing more than reading my tutorial on courtroom objections. There are only a few objections to learn. If you’ve been following the Casey Anthony trial, you heard the same ones repeated again and again – and none of them were too complicated for an average 8th grader to learn. The lawyers would have you believe it’s all too complicated, so you can hire one and pay through the nose!

#6 – Finally, how to argue convincingly is something we are either born with or can learn by arguing with family members and friends about baseball or how to fry chicken. It isn’t rocket science or differential calculus! It’s just a process of building facts one upon another until your facts outweigh those of your opponent. Law schools don’t teach this, anyway.

So? What did the lawyers need to know?

Nothing that isn’t covered thoroughly and simply-put in my official 24-hour, step-by-step Jurisdictionary “How to Win in Court” course.


If you’ve been watching the trial, you saw the lawyers call witnesses and present evidence. You saw them make objections.

What else did they need to know?

Just what I’ve said in this newsletter – nothing more!

  • Fact elements, and
  • How to get those fact elements into evidence.


If yours is a civil case, you go after fact elements of causes of action pleaded by the plaintiff or elements of the affirmative defenses pleaded by the defendant. All explained fully in my course.

If yours is a criminal case, you go after facts to show there is “reasonable doubt” as to the reliability of facts presented by the prosecution. Similarly covered in my course.

Learning elements and how to get facts into evidence is a simple, straightforward process any average 8th grader can learn in just 24 hours with my official, affordable, 24-hour, Jurisdictionary “How to Win in Court” course that will lay it all out for you step-by-step.

If you don’t already have the course, order now.

If you have the course, get an affiliate link, tell your friends, and earn easy money every month!

Protect yourself from lawyers and judges!

It’s easy, once you understand “due process”.

Due process IS your most valuable right.

Help Your Friends!
Forward this email and this link so they can get the
Lawsuit Flowchart
so your friends can see how easy it is to win.

Due process is your most valuable right, because without the ability to win in court, the rest of your “rights” are just political rhetoric, promises with no power.

The Constitution of the United States promises you the protection of due process, but it doesn’t tell you what due process is or how to get it!

Due process is a P-R-O-C-E-S-S … and you’ve been DENIED knowledge of what that process is and how to use it to protect your rights!

Lawyers have seen to that … and it’s high time YOU learned what due process is, how it works, and how to use it to protect yourself and your loved ones from any and all abuses of your fundamental God-given rights!

What good are Constitutional Guarantees if you cannot afford to pay some law firm $50,000 to work the process for you? The Constitution itself is just a piece of paper with no power whatever beyond the power of men in high places to sign papers that order other people to do “what’s right”. If you are relying on the Constitution to protect your rights, you are falling into the very trap that my profession wants you to fall into – relying on them who must be paid to protect your rights!

Fortunately, there’s another way!

For the first time in history, the mysteries of due process hidden from you and your children by lawyers all these years are now made easy-to-understand at last – thanks to the internet, multi-media technologies, and the official Jurisdictionary “How to Win in Court” 24-hour, step-by-step self-help course!

The secrets of “due process” are now revealed!

You don’t need a law degree to understand due process. Jurisdictionary simplifies the mysteries lawyers want to keep from you: pleadings, motions, depositions, subpoenas, evidence rules, courtroom objections, etc. The legal profession would have you believe you aren’t smart enough to learn what it takes to win in court, but all you have to do is read our testimonials to see how people just like you ARE WINNING!

Teaching people due process is my passion and the moral imperative of everyone who loves Liberty enough to work for Justice through our courts.

Even if you have thousands of dollars to pay lawyers to go to court for you, Jurisdictionary can help you save money by showing you in simplified teachings just what your lawyer could and should be doing to earn his or her pay.

If you can’t afford a lawyer (or don’t trust them) then this affordable 24-hour step-by-step course is just what you need to protect your other God-given rights from abuse.

Are your rights being abused?

Do you see the rights of others being abused?

Take it to the courts!

Exercise your most valuable right!

Help Your Friends!
Forward this email and this link so they can get the
Lawsuit Flowchart
so your friends can see how easy it is to win.

Learn the process of due process that the lawyers don’t want you to know … and stand up for your rights effectively!

Signs, emails, pitchforks, and letters to your Congressman don’t work! Nothing changes!

Knowing how to demand due process in court works!

And, nobody makes it easier than Jurisdictionary!

Tell your friends what their most valuable right is!

Wake people up to the fact that without the knowledge of due process (or many thousands of dollars to pay lawyers) your other fundamental “rights” are just empty promises.

The man or woman who knows the process of due process and how to demand justice from the courts is truly free!

Do what Jurisdictionary teaches, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised when judges rule in your favor!

Do what Jurisdictionary teaches, and you’ll appreciate what it’s like to have rights with teeth in them!

Do what Jurisdictionary teaches, and your life and the life of your family will be much, much happier!

I’ll teach you how to draft pleadings, make motions, set hearings, object in court, handle depositions, use subpoenas, fight back with counter-claims, and discover evidence that forces the court to issue orders that protect your rights!

You can finish my course in less than 24-hours.

Learning due process is easy with Jurisdictionary!

Force the court to protect your rights … all of them!

… Dr. Frederick D. Graves, JD


Make a Winning Court Record

01 Jul

Making Faces in Court !

Not everything that takes place in court can be “written down” by a court reporter.


Anything that doesn’t get in the court record is lost forever!

If the judge knows you can’t appeal, because he sees you didn’t make a complete record (as taught in my official 24-hour, step-by-step Jurisdictionary “How to Win in Court” course) the judge knows he can rule any way he wishes!

That often means YOU LOSE!

Usually, it’s good enough to get the court reporter to take down every word that’s said – by your opponent, by witnesses, by yourself and your lawyer (if you can afford one) and by the judge especially!


Some things that happen in court aren’t “words”.

The court reporter can only make a record of what gets said, i.e., “words”. She cannot record what happens, if it isn’t something that gets “SAID”, i.e., in “words”.


What do you do?

Well, if you’ve studied my official 24-hour, step-by-step affordable self-help Jurisdictionary “How to Win in Court” course, you already know what to do.

You stand to your feet and say:

“Let the record reflect that my opponent’s lawyer is sticking his tongue out at my witness!”

The court reporter will write that down.

It will become part of the record!

It will be available to the appellate court, if the judge is foolish enough to rule against you, and the appellate justices will know the trial judge was allowing it! Not good for the trial judge. Very good for YOU!


What if the problem is the judge up on his bench?

“Let the record reflect that the judge is reading a newspaper, instead of paying attention!”

Don’t think it happens?

Think again!

In my 25 years of lawyering, I’ve seen judges nod off or play games on their laptop and, yes, read a newspaper!

You need your court record to reveal non-verbal nonsense … if it threatens your right to win!

Of course when you do this, all H— will break loose.

But, but don’t let that discourage you.

Just say:

“Let the record reflect that I have a right to make my record, and my right to be here today and make my record was paid for by the precious ives of some very wonderful heroes who gave the last measure of devotion for people just like me!”

That will put an end to the corruption for awhile!

Because … the court reporter will write it all down!

The trial judge will not want the appellate court to see what happened in his courtroom that day!

By the way, this also applies at depositions, at hearings and, of course, at trial – if you don’t yet know how to win before trial using the clever tactics my course teaches!

Hope you’ve enjoyed today’s tip and that you will (if you haven’t already) order my official 24-hour, step-by-step Jurisdictionary “How to Win in Court” course and learn the rest of what you need to know to win in court!

The course makes a great gift for friends, family, and business associates threatened by courtroom corruption. Do a good deed and order the course for others, too!

Protect yourself from lawyers and judges!

It’s easy, once you understand “due process”.

Due process IS your most valuable right.

Help Your Friends!
Forward this email and this link so they can get the
Lawsuit Flowchart
so your friends can see how easy it is to win.

Due process is your most valuable right, because without the ability to win in court, the rest of your “rights” are just political rhetoric, promises with no power.

The Constitution of the United States promises you the protection ofdue process, but it doesn’t tell you what due process is or how to get it!

Due process is a P-R-O-C-E-S-S … and you’ve been DENIED knowledge of what that process is and how to use it to protect your rights!

Lawyers have seen to that … and it’s high time YOU learned what due process is, how it works, and how to use it to protect yourself and your loved ones from any and all abuses of your fundamental God-given rights!

What good are Constitutional Guarantees if you cannot afford to pay some law firm $50,000 to work the process for you? The Constitution itself is just a piece of paper with no power whatever beyond the power of men in high places to sign papers that order other people to do “what’s right”. If you are relying on the Constitution to protect your rights, you are falling into the very trap that my profession wants you to fall into – relying on them who must be paid to protect your rights!

Fortunately, there’s another way!

For the first time in history, the mysteries of due process hidden from you and your children by lawyers all these years are now made easy-to-understand at last – thanks to the internet, multi-media technologies, and the official Jurisdictionary “How to Win in Court” 24-hour, step-by-step self-help course!

The secrets of “due process” are now revealed!

You don’t need a law degree to understand due process. Jurisdictionary simplifies the mysteries lawyers want to keep from you: pleadings, motions, depositions, subpoenas, evidence rules, courtroom objections, etc. The legal profession would have you believe you aren’t smart enough to learn what it takes to win in court, but all you have to do is read our testimonials to see how people just like you ARE WINNING!

Teaching people due process is my passion and the moral imperative of everyone who loves Liberty enough to work for Justice through our courts.

Even if you have thousands of dollars to pay lawyers to go to court for you, Jurisdictionary can help you save money by showing you in simplified teachings just what your lawyer could and should be doing to earn his or her pay.

If you can’t afford a lawyer (or don’t trust them) then this affordable 24-hour step-by-step course is just what you need to protect your other God-given rights from abuse.

Are your rights being abused?

Do you see the rights of others being abused?

Take it to the courts!

Exercise your most valuable right!

Help Your Friends!
Forward this email and this link so they can get the
Lawsuit Flowchart
so your friends can see how easy it is to win.

Learn the process of due process that the lawyers don’t want you to know … and stand up for your rights effectively!

Signs, emails, pitchforks, and letters to your Congressman don’t work! Nothing changes!

Knowing how to demand due process in court works!

And, nobody makes it easier than Jurisdictionary!

Tell your friends what their most valuable right is!

Wake people up to the fact that without the knowledge of due process (or many thousands of dollars to pay lawyers) your other fundamental “rights” are just empty promises.

The man or woman who knows the process of due process and how to demand justice from the courts is truly free!

Do what Jurisdictionary teaches, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised when judges rule in your favor!

Do what Jurisdictionary teaches, and you’ll appreciate what it’s like to have rights with teeth in them!

Do what Jurisdictionary teaches, and your life and the life of your family will be much, much happier!

I’ll teach you how to draft pleadings, make motions, set hearings, object in court, handle depositions, use subpoenas, fight back with counter-claims, and discover evidence that forces the court to issue orders that protect your rights!

You can finish my course in less than 24-hours.

Learning due process is easy with Jurisdictionary!

Force the court to protect your rights … all of them!

… Dr. Frederick D. Graves, JD

Read the testimonials ⇒

Accept no substitutes!

Get the official Jurisdictionary 24-hour course!



Circumstantial Evidence Traps

14 Jun


Your opponent will try to trap you!

Circumstantial evidence is a commonly-used trap.Mouse On A Trap!

Circumstantial evidence traps are avoidable!

To avoid this trap, you must know that there are limits to circumstantial evidence … and know how to stop your opponent from exceeding those limits!

This topic is covered in much more detail in my official jurisdictionary“How to Win in Court” course. To get the know-how power you need to win, go to Jurisdictionary.

Ok, then.

What is circumstantial evidence?

First, we need to know what an “inference” is.

The word “inference” comes from the word “infer”, i.e., to draw a conclusion from something else, i.e., a guess!

An inference is NOT a known fact!

Parties to legal proceedings (civil litigant, prosecutor, or criminally accused) are allowed only ONE INFERENCE to be drawn from any “known fact” … i.e., ONE GUESS!

Appellate case opinions that control state and federal courts (learn how to research appellate case opinions as part of my official Jurisdictionary “How to Win in Court”) place a limit on the use of inferences (i.e., a limit on the number of guesses one can draw from any known fact).

This limit is ONE!


One is NOT allowed to make an inference from any known factand then make one or more inferences based on the earlier inference!


People go to prison because of it … wrongfully.

Good people lose civil cases because of it … wrongfully.

You must learn how to avoid it … or risk losing!

The circumstantial evidence trap opens its mouth and gobbles the unsuspecting (those who don’t study my course) when the other side tries to present to the court an inference as if it were a known fact!

Inferences are never known facts!

Guesses are never known facts!

And, guesses drawn from other guesses are illegal!

The trap is not allowed … unless YOU allow it!

Don’t expect the judge to put a stop to it. The judge may be reading a newspaper up there on the bench or playing a game on his laptop or smart phone. It happens. Trust me. I’ve been practicing law a quarter-century!

Besides, it’s not the judge’s job to stop your opponent from playing tricks on you!

That’s YOUR job and why you need to study my my official Jurisdictionary “How to Win in Court” course.

Controlling appellate court case opinions are sometimes hard to find on the subject. Here are a few search terms to use when following the methods of legal research that I teach in my “How to Win in Court” course.

Search for one or more of these terms:

  • (or as a last resort) CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE

If you don’t learn how to control your opponent and the judge (using the methods taught in my simplified course), don’t expect to win – no matter how much you think you know about the law and no matter how much “evidence” you think you have.

Expect the other the other side to cheat!

Protect yourself from lawyers and judges!

It’s easy, once you understand “due process”.

Due process IS your most valuable right.

Due process is your most valuable right, because without the ability to win in court, the rest of your “rights” are just political rhetoric, promises with no power.

The Constitution of the United States promises you the protection ofdue process, but it doesn’t tell you what due process is or how to get it!

Due process is a P-R-O-C-E-S-S … and you’ve been DENIED knowledge of what that process is and how to use it to protect your rights!

Lawyers have seen to that … and it’s high time YOU learned what due process is, how it works, and how to use it to protect yourself and your loved ones from any and all abuses of your fundamental God-given rights!

What good are Constitutional Guarantees if you cannot afford to pay some law firm $50,000 to work the process for you? The Constitution itself is just a piece of paper with no power whatever beyond the power of men in high places to sign papers that order other people to do “what’s right”. If you are relying on the Constitution to protect your rights, you are falling into the very trap that my profession wants you to fall into – relying on them who must be paid to protect your rights!

Fortunately, there’s another way!

For the first time in history, the mysteries of due process hidden from you and your children by lawyers all these years are now made easy-to-understand at last – thanks to the internet, multi-media technologies, and the official Jurisdictionary “How to Win in Court” 24-hour, step-by-step self-help course!

The secrets of “due process” are now revealed!

You don’t need a law degree to understand due process. Jurisdictionary simplifies the mysteries lawyers want to keep from you: pleadings, motions, depositions, subpoenas, evidence rules, courtroom objections, etc. The legal profession would have you believe you aren’t smart enough to learn what it takes to win in court, but all you have to do is read our testimonials to see how people just like you ARE WINNING!

Teaching people due process is my passion and the moral imperative of everyone who loves Liberty enough to work for Justice through our courts.

Even if you have thousands of dollars to pay lawyers to go to court for you, Jurisdictionary can help you save money by showing you in simplified teachings just what your lawyer could and should be doing to earn his or her pay.

If you can’t afford a lawyer (or don’t trust them) then this affordable 24-hour step-by-step course is just what you need to protect your other God-given rights from abuse.

Are your rights being abused?

Do you see the rights of others being abused?

Take it to the courts!

Exercise your most valuable right!

Help Your Friends!
Forward this email and this link so they can get the
Lawsuit Flowchart so your friends can see how easy it is to win.

Learn the process of due process that the lawyers don’t want you to know … and stand up for your rights effectively!

Signs, emails, pitchforks, and letters to your Congressman don’t work! Nothing changes!

Knowing how to demand due process in court works!

And, nobody makes it easier than Jurisdictionary!

Tell your friends what their most valuable right is!

Wake people up to the fact that without the knowledge of due process (or many thousands of dollars to pay lawyers) your other fundamental “rights” are just empty promises.

The man or woman who knows the process of due process and how to demand justice from the courts is truly free!

Do what Jurisdictionary teaches, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised when judges rule in your favor!

Do what Jurisdictionary teaches, and you’ll appreciate what it’s like to have rights with teeth in them!

Do what Jurisdictionary teaches, and your life and the life of your family will be much, much happier!

I’ll teach you how to draft pleadings, make motions, set hearings, object in court, handle depositions, use subpoenas, fight back with counter-claims, and discover evidence that forces the court to issue orders that protect your rights!

You can finish my course in less than 24-hours.

Learning due process is easy with Jurisdictionary!

Force the court to protect your rights … all of them!

… Dr. Frederick D. Graves, JD



Lawsuit Anatomy

10 Jun


Start to learn lawsuit anatomy by spelling: CAT.

Here are the 3 basic steps of every lawsuit.

  • Complaint
  • Answer
  • Trial

Start here, and you’ll soon be operating like a pro in court, controlling judges and defeating crooked lawyers.

Of course, there’s much more to winning, but it’s all easy if you start with basic anatomy: CAT.

C = Complaint … Where every case begins. Plaintiff complains by filing a Complaint. He alleges (1) what duty the defendant breached, (2) how the defendant breached the duty, and (3) how the plaintiff suffered damages (or is threatened with damages) as a direct result.

A = Answer … Where defendant responds to plaintiff’s Complaint by filing an Answer and Affirmative Defenses. In his Answer he admits or denies (or claims he lacks enough knowledge to admit or deny) each separate allegation of the plaintiff’s Complaint. In his Affirmative Defenses he alleges facts that (if he can prove them) will relieve him of his obligation to plaintiff.

T = Trial … Where the judge (or jury) decides the final verdict by examining admissible evidence, using plain old common sense to decide which facts presented are true, weighing each side’s evidence to see which side has the greater weight of evidence, and then applying the law to determine who wins.

Plaintiffs file Complaints.

Defendants file Answers.

Judges and juries examine the facts and law at trial to decide who wins.

During the process Motions and Discovery Tools are used by both sides to convince the court who should win.

This is where the fight is – not at trial. Every winnable case can be won before trial, if you use my case-winning tactics. It’s all explained in my affordable Jurisdictionary course. You can learn it all step-by-step in just 24-hours.

For example, there are 3 Motions the defendant can use to avoid filing an answer:

  1. Motion to Dismiss
  2. Motion to Strike
  3. Motion for More Definite Statement

After plaintiff files his Complaint, defendant may file any one or all of these motions so he need not answer. If the “flurry of motions” fails, defendant must file an Answer to the complaint – at which time he must also file Affirmative Cefenses, possibly adding counter-claims, cross-claims, or third-party complaints. (All explained in my course.)

At any time after the Complaint is filed, either side may use these 5 discovery tools to get facts that may lead to admissible evidence:

  1. Admissions
  2. Production
  3. Interrogatories
  4. Depositions
  5. Subpoenas and other court orders

Knowing how to use discovery tools (and how to force your opponent to respond truthfully) is essential if you want to win! (All explained in my affordable course.)

Lawyers typically play every dirty trick in the book to keep you from getting the evidence you need into the court’s record, so you mustknow how to fight back!

That’s the Anatomy of Every Lawsuit!

Yes! It really is this simple!

If you want to make it complicated and muddy the pond with all kinds of nutty arguments, you can do so and lose.

If you want to win, get my affordable Jurisdictionary step-by-step 24-hour course now and master the case-winning strategies and tactics I used for 25 years as a case-winning lawyer in state and federal courts.

Every lawsuit has this same fundamental anatomy. The same motions. The same discovery tools.

Do you need to win your lawsuit?

If you have your own lawyer, know what your lawyer should be doing to earn his fee and win your case.

If you don’t have a lawyer, know what you must do to make the judge do his job and prevent the other side from cheating.

It’s just that simple.

My affordable Jurisdictionary 24-hour step-by-step lawsuit course will show you how to write powerful pleadings, how to draft and argue motions, how to object in court, how to get admissible evidence into the record, how to prevent the other side from getting lies into the record, how to do legal research, how to compose your legal arguments, and much, much more.

You’ll learn how to avoid filing an answer by moving the court to dismiss or strike the complaint or require a confusing or poorly-worded complaint to be re-written. You’ll learn how to use effective discovery tools to force the other side to produce facts that may lead to admissible evidence. You’ll discover how to move the court and demand that the judge enforce your legal rights.

In short, you’ll learn how to save money, maximize your winning power, and resolve conflicts peacefully and profitably … according to the rules!


Once you master the simple concepts I teach, you’ll be more powerful than most lawyers I met in 25 years as a licensed lawyer in state and federal courts as a licensed bar attorney!

Click HERE to learn more!

Of course you cannot learn all you need to know about what it takes to win by waiting for my Tips & Tactics each week. You need to learn the case-winning tactics in my affordable Jurisdictionary course that will show you what it takes to win, step-by-step in just 24-hours.

Whether plaintiff or defendant, you cannot hope to win if you don’t know what my course teaches.

These tips should convince you to order my complete course … whether you’re a plaintiff or defendant.

If you don’t know what opportunities you have in court, you don’t have much of a chance of winning!

Let me urge you to order my course today (if you don’t already have it) so you won’t make the common mistake of assuming you already know everything you need to win!

Remember: Winners are people who know how the game is played to win — whether plaintiff or defendant.

– – – – – – –

The essential tools and elements are explained in the video you can watch right now by clicking the judge.

Click the Judge to learn more.

You won’t believe me, but most lawyers (and nearly all law school professors) don’t have a clue what it takes to win. Many law schools don’t teach “causes of action” or the elements necessary to prevail. It’s true!

Many law schools don’t teach how to use your five (5) discovery tools or why you must be courageous and fight the judge and demand your right to get evidence in the record using your discovery tools.

Many lawyers are afraid to upset judges, so they let things slide. They don’t object. They don’t “instruct” the judge on the law. They just lay back, take their hourly fee, and let their clients lose … and those who pay lawyers yet don’t know what Jurisdictionary teaches about winning are led to the slaughter by their own lawyer.

Sad, but true!

I know what it takes to win. I did this 25 years!

My Jurisdictionary will show you how in just 24-hours, step-by-step!

The Jurisdictionary Method wins lawsuits!

Watch my video and see for yourself how easy it is to use knowledge, stealth, and wisdom to win in court!

See what’s important, what’s not, and how to focus all your energy where it belongs: getting court orders!

If you gain from watching my video, please forward this newsletter to ALL YOUR FRIENDS by hitting “Forward” on your email program now.

Or use this link to send an email to all your friends. You probably know people who need to knock down judges and overcome crooked lawyers and their dishonest tricks. They will thank you for turning them on to this!

Or, do both! Forward this newsletter AND send emails to friendsfighting in court who desperately need to know how to win!

Most lawyers never learn what Jurisdictionary makes so easy-to-learn. People have been telling me since I started Jurisdictionary in 1997 that, “Your course should be required in first year law school.” But, of course, that’s not likely to happen, because whatJurisdictionary shows you isn’t politically correct! I teach you how to control judges, instead of bowing to them, I I teach you how to overcome crooked lawyers and their all-too-common sneaky tricks!

Political correctness prevents justice too often!

Winning lawsuits is a brutal axe fight!

Jurisdictionary is your axe!

Thousands of people just like you are winning with my easy-to-learn 24-hour step-by-step course. Ask anyone who has my course.Everyone loves it!

If you don’t know what my course teaches, you lose!

End of story!

Winners do what Jurisdictionary makes easy-to-learn and don’t wait until trial to get justice!

Those who learn my affordable 24-hour step-by-step Jurisdictionary self-help course win … no matter how high the odds are stacked against them!

Yes! Read the testimonials in the right column ⇒

Winners know how to fight to win!

Losers believe internet fables. Losers get their legal education at the barbershop or on websites or expensive weekend seminars run by people who never practiced law, never went to law school, and don’t know mud from sand about rules or how to use them to control judges.

Too many good folks believe mythological silver-bullet easy solutions to their legal problems and, as a result, are losing when they would be winning if they knew what I make so easy-to-learn in my Jurisdictionary course!

The internet is infested with hare-brained schemes that sound too good to be true … and, like the old adage says, “If it sounds to good to be true, it probably isn’t.”

Remember: The most dangerous falsehoods are ones we most want to believe!

Why not learn from a real lawyer with nearly 25 years of case-winning experience?

My course is not expensive!

People who finish my course say an average 8th grader can learn it all in a single weekend.

Please read the testimonials in the right column ⇒

If you have a lawyer, you will save thousands in legal fees by knowing what your lawyer should be doing, and at the same time you will maximize your chances for success by making certain your lawyer does what should be done, instead of taking you for a ride to the poorhouse – as happens to too many good people these days.

If you don’t have a lawyer, you’ll know how to stop the opponent’s crooked tricks and control the judge!

To learn more, go to:



How to Appeal A Traffic Court Case

06 Jun

Step by Step Instruction on How to Appeal a Traffic Court Case in California. Free Forms on line and included. Continue reading