Archive for the ‘Publishing Industry’ Category

Is the Legal Profession, Is the "ABA-Legal Academy Cartel," as Future Ready for Alternative Business Structures as "Professional Legal Services" Vendors Are?

06 Oct

Readers of Richard Susskind’s The Future of Law: Facing the Challenges of Information Technology (OUP, 1998) and The End of Lawyers?: Rethinking the Nature of Legal Services, Revised Ed. (OUP, 2010) can already see forecasted changes in the provision of…


TR Legal’s Mike Dahn on WestlawNext, WestSearch, and Haters: Part 2

05 Oct

Part 2 of Jason Wilson’s interview with Mike Dahn is now online. Do check out Mike’s response to Jason’s question: Lately we’ve seen a very lengthy criticism of WestlawNext by an anonymous author over at LLB. Any response to that?…


Two Great Names. Reuters and Westlaw … and One New Site

05 Oct

Thomson Reuters News and Insight “provides legal news from Reuters with supporting documentation and analysis from Westlaw.” Yes, of course, you must have a user account to access the Westlaw material. Free Reuters news to push Westlaw usage, oddly interesting…


The "Product Intrigue" Boogie for Lexis Advance

04 Oct

Lexis Advance for Solos has been available for some time now and the Company is starting to advertise it on legal media sites like the National Law Journal. So I clicked on an ad link and was sent here. Damnit…


Is Vendor Software Consuming Law as We Have Known It?

04 Oct

No the title of this post is not referring to just online legal search although certainly the great unknowing about how some “upgraded” legal search engines work certainly is part of the issue. So, thinking about how much of our…


TR Legal’s Mike Dahn on WestlawNext, WestSearch, and Haters

03 Oct

I first met Mike Dahn, who is now SVP Marketing & New Initiative Development at Thomson Reuters Legal, last January in Eagan during a beta preview of WestlawNext (WLN), and since then, we have kept up with one another over…


Opening Lines of Direct Communications Between Editiorial Staff and Customers: The Case of AmJur Phantom Headings

03 Oct

Over the course of two days last week, Chris Graesser, Legislative Librarian, Connecticut Legislative Library, posted the following two messages to law-lib. Date: Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:40 PM: Just spent 20 minutes on hold waiting for West Legal…


95% of All Classes of BNA Shares Vote "Yes" to Bloomberg’s Acquisition Offer

30 Sep

Bloomberg is expected to complete the acquisition of BNA today. After the merger, BNA will be an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of Bloomberg. The acquisition IMHO is a good thing for both companies. BLaw+BNA is a competitive force that will have…


Thomson Reuters in Turmoil: Danger Alert, It’s Time for "Chiefs" to Duck and Cover

29 Sep

Here we go … TR is executing a reorg — the Markets Division is merging with the Professional Division and the Head of the Professional Division has been appointed TRI’s COO. First Question: Why wasn’t this reorg executed last summer…


Are eBooks Destined to Become the "8-track Tape" of the 21st Century?

29 Sep

In the context of current law eBook offerings, I think we can conclude from Jean O’Grady’s recent Dewey B Strategic post the answer to the title question is “yes.” (“The more I talk to publishers about the model for “circulating”…