Archive for the ‘Publishing Industry’ Category

Fighting for Open Access in Academic Legal Publishing

28 Oct

During this year’s Open Access Week, CALI Director of Content Development Sarah Glassmeyer published the first post-launch announcement feature on the new CALI Spotlight blog. In Why We Fight, Sarah writes: I feel like OA doesn’t get as much traction…


Too Big To Fail: Is Thomson Reuters’ balance sheet so weak to be verging on bankruptcy?

25 Oct

In 12 Companies that Could Go Bankrupt Very Soon (Street Authority, Oct. 13, 2011) David Sterman lists TRI as one of 12 at-risk stocks that “could tumble in a hurry.” Sterman writes: I went in search of companies that may…


Some Thoughts on Thomson’s Acquisition of West Being Honored as Worst Legal Publishing Merger

24 Oct

Reporting on the findings of Dewey B Strategic’s self-admitted unscientific poll on best and worst legal publishing industry mergers, Jean O’Grady writes: According to the Legal Information Buyers Guide and Reference Manual, between 1995 (the year before the Thomson acquisition)…


And the Winner in ATL’s Shed West Print Era in Academic Law Libraries Photo Caption Contest Is

18 Oct

Having catalogued the total number of volumes, microfilm, microfiche, and titles, this dumpster is hereby accredited. – ABA Details on ATL here. Image suitable for framing in Lexis, Fastcase, Bloomberg Law and Wolters Kluwer executive offices below (click to enlarge)…


Lexis Acquistion of Shepard’s Voted Best Merger

17 Oct

In September Jean O’Grady posted a informal survey asking readers to vote for the best and worst mergers in the legal publishing industry and promising to report the results upon its conclusion. Last Friday, she reported the findings on the…


ATL’s Current Photo Caption Contest Focuses on the Shed West Era in Law School Libraries

13 Oct

Here’s the photo for ATL’s latest caption contest. Entries due by 11:59 PM today. How about “just too damn expensive to maintain in print”? Or “thank god, WEXIS doesn’t charge law schools list price because they want to addict law…


Traffickers of Very Expensive Online Legal Search: How do we use and teach today’s legal search services when we don’t know how the search engines work?

12 Oct

One can go back to when the issue of CALR was first much debated in the late 1970s, to view what some might characterize as a “luddite” response to the advent of very expensive online legal search but many of…


Regulating the Unseen Search Engine Algorithm

11 Oct

Reg Chua ponders how public policy can address questions about fair play when a web search company embeds algorithms and personalization into its core product. In Regulating The Algorithm?: How can you regulate what you can’t see [i.e. the algorithm]?…


Google Books Comes To The UK

07 Oct

Cheap tablets from competitors may have had one effect on Google. Amazon has released the Kindle Fire as a convenient front end to its massive store with expectations that the Fire will be sold globally. Google Books was never available…


Please Welcome FWBS to the "Thomson Reuters Family"

06 Oct

Quoting from the Orange Rag: Thomson Reuters is continuing its spending spree with the announcement of yet another acquisition. This time it is Elite which has acquired FWBS, a provider of software solutions that allow lawyers to manage their practice…