Do you really know how to win before trial?
Lawyers may drag out a case (so they can make more money billing for their time), and many insist on going to trial (which costs even more money).
If you hold the winning cards (the law and facts favor your case) you can win before trial!
Let me explain. The full details you need to know are in my affordable step-by-step Jurisdictionary “How to Win in Court” course, but I can give you a few starting points to convince you of the value of my affordable course and why you should order today … if you don’t already have my popular course!
#1 … There is absolutely nothing in the way of evidence you can get into the record at trial that you cannot get into the record before trial, using your five (5) powerful evidence discovery tools, as more fully explained in my popular and affordable step-by-step 24-hour course.
There are no witnesses you cannot question under oath before trial.
There are no documents or things you cannot get into the record before trial.
There is nothing going to happen at trial that cannot be made to happen before trial.
If the facts are on your side, you can get them all into evidence before trial, using my Jurisdictionary methods.
#2 … There are absolutely no legal arguments you can make at trial that you cannot make before trial using the research and memorandum system my course explains.
If the law is on your side, you don’t have to wait to go to trial to make your legal arguments. You can and should make all your legal arguments before trial the way my popular self-help course explains.
You can quote and cite all the statutes, constitutional provisions, common law doctrine, and court rules that may apply to your case using the research and memorandum system my course explains to make your winning record.
#3 … There is absolutely nothing that can be done at a trial that cannot be resolved in your favor before trial, if you have a winning case (i.e., if the law and facts are on your side).
In a very real sense, the “trying” of your case begins at the filing of the very first pleading and continues through every phase of litigation.
Here are 4 common reasons cases go to trial and why you need my course whether you have a lawyer or not.
- They had a lazy lawyer who didn’t do the pre-trial work he could have done.
- They had a stupid lawyer who didn’t know how to do the pre-trial work hecould have done.
- They had a greedy lawyer who dragged out the case to the bitter end to take more money from his client.
- They didn’t have a lawyer, and they didn’t know what my popular Jurisdictionary course makes so easy-to-understand an average 8th grader can do it!
Here are a few of the dozens of reasons why you should do all you can possibly do to avoid going to trial:
- Trial is uncertain, especially with unpredictable juries or corrupt judges.
- Trial is a “think on your feet” exercise that keeps you on your toes, where pre-trial work is slow and steady and lets you work at your own pace.
- Trial exposes you to the dirtiest lawyer tricks in a way that failure to react quickly to put a stop to the high jinks of your opponent can be fatal.
If you have a winnable case, win before trial!
There are no questions you can ask at a trial that you cannot ask before trial using interrogatories, requests for admissions, depositions, and subpoenas as explained in my affordable course.
There are no documents or things you can bring to trial that you cannot get into the trial record before trial using requests for production, subpoenas, and depositions duce tecum as explained in my course.
There are no legal arguments you can make at trial that you cannot make more effectively and powerfully before trial using the legal research and memorandum system my course explains.
If you don’t win before trial, you didn’t do what you could have done earlier in the case when you still had lots of time to do it. Trial is crunch time! Not a good place to be, if you can avoid it by winning before trial using the Jurisdictionary “How to Win in Court” self-help course.
I know what it takes to win before trial.
My Jurisdictionary will show you how, too … in just 24-hours … step-by-step!
When “The Law” Breaks the Law!
( From “How to Win in Court” Course )
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How to Control those who Control YOU!
The Wild Wild West was won by a very small number of folks clever enough to bring the following essential with them to establish “Law & Order” in the unsettled plains and mountains west of the Mississippi:
England, did you say?
In that single book (you can get a Kindle or Nook version for free) written before our Declaration of Independence, they found enough common-sense law to settle towns, bring railroads, jail bandits, and hang rustlers.
Contrary to what you’ve seen on TV and in the movies, it wasn’t faster guns and bigger fists that settled lawless cowtowns like Tombstone and Dodge City. It was the support of local townsfolk who wanted law and believed in the principles of Justice found in those two books: the Bible and Blackstone.
We each face the threat of similar lawlessness. Yes, today! Perhaps especially today!
It may be a bank using fraud to foreclose. It may be a corrupt business partner, ex-spouse, or next-door neighbor out-of-control. For many it’s the threat of government officials refusing to follow the law – tax collectors, police officers, and corrupt judges who break the law to allow fraud a free rein in their courts as lawyers rape the people who do not know what my affordable, official, 24-hour step-by-step Jurisdictionary “How to Win in Court” self-help course makes so easy to understand.
When “the law” is an outlaw, there’s only one remedy.
The Rules!
Did you know the Rules of Evidence that control all civil and criminal proceedings in our state and federal courts comprise less than 30 pages in the official rule books?
Did you know the Rules of Procedure that control all civil and criminal proceedings in our state and federal courts comprise not many more than 60 pages in the official rule books?
These are the rules YOU can use to control every judge, every lawyer, every bank, every giant corporation, or even your nexty door neighbor or business partner, and every state and federal agency trying to pull the wool over your eyes.
Why be needlessly robbed of your rights by not knowing this handful of rules or how to use them to stop the rich and powerful from running your world?
Your legal problems today can be solved the same way western settlers brought lawlessness to its knees in the prairies and remote Rocky Mountain regions more than a century ago, as did those who settled our Eastern cities and towns more than two centuries ago.
The Rules control lawlessness!
Once YOU know the rules and how to use them to control corrupt judges and crooked lawyers, Justice is Yours!
The Rules of Evidence and Rules of Procedure protect you and your children from lawless legal officials, crooked lawyers, corrupt judges, scheming bankers, incompetent doctors, rival siblings, and everyone else who does you harm or seeks to do so.
The Rules and how to use them are easy to learn with my popular, affordable, 24-hour Jurisdictionary step-by-step self-help course!
You have a remedy at law … once you know how to the rules.
If a fraudulent lender, bill collector, tax man, corrupt judge, crooked lawyer, or anyone else uses unlawful force to deprive you or your family of your rights, you have a powerful remedy!
The Rules of Evidence and Procedure RULE the courts!
This is true only for those who know how to use them!
The Rules of Court are the People’s power to control our government and command our leaders to protect us and address our grievances with court orders that can command even those in the highest offices, the richest of the rich, the biggest of the big.
The Rules are what the 4th of July is all about!
The Rules don’t just give us “rights”.
The Rules give “power to enforce our rights”!
That’s how the West was won!
Knowing how to use the Rules is how you win!
Posted in Electronic Resource, Going to Court, Law School News & Views, Products & Services, U.S. Courts