Archive for the ‘Law Firm News and Views’ Category

More Corporate Legal Departments Just Saying "No:" Is billing newbie attorneys at paralegal rates the answer?

19 Oct

More than 20% of the 366 in-house legal departments that responded to a recent survey conducts by Association of Corporate Counsel for the WSJ reported that they are refusing to pay for work performed by first- or second-year assocates. The…


Moneyball-ing Legal Services (and Law Schools and Law Libraries)

13 Oct

We shouldn’t be surprised that the new film, Moneyball, would lead to a discussion of the applicability of Moneyball-ing law firm hiring and retention, and the value of legal services provided to clients. Heck, seven years before the movie and…


Is the Legal Profession, Is the "ABA-Legal Academy Cartel," as Future Ready for Alternative Business Structures as "Professional Legal Services" Vendors Are?

06 Oct

Readers of Richard Susskind’s The Future of Law: Facing the Challenges of Information Technology (OUP, 1998) and The End of Lawyers?: Rethinking the Nature of Legal Services, Revised Ed. (OUP, 2010) can already see forecasted changes in the provision of…


Run! Hide! The Lawyers Are Being Replaced By Machines

30 Sep

There are a series of articles in Slate lately on how computers, or, more generally, technology, will changes professions by automating the more mundane tasks and possibly the more complex ones as well. Today’s entry takes a look at the…


"The Disrupter" Makes ABAJ’s List of Legal Rebels 2011 for Pangea3

09 Sep

That would be David Perla, co-founder of Pangea3. The day Perla and his good friend Sanjay Kamlani met to hash out their plan for Pangea3, their purpose was both simple and disruptive—to turn the traditional law firm model inside out….


Where the Jobs Aren’t: Nationwide, a Legal Career is the Most Difficult for Job Placement

09 Sep

Nationwide hiring remains steady with most industries showing hiring increases recently according to But not in the legal field. There is less than one job opening for every 100 working attorneys. At that rate, a legal career is the…


"Satisfaction within the midlevel ranks has fallen to its lowest level since 2004"

02 Sep

That’s the subtitle of The American Lawyer’s overview article about AmLaw’s 2011 The Associates Survey. What the hell are they whinning about, at least they have jobs. Oh, I know why. [JH]


Are BigLaw Firms Gaming AmLaw Rankings?

23 Aug

We all know that some, many, most, whatever, law schools game placement stats for US News Law School Rankings but Citi Private Bank Law Firm Group is reporting that more than half of the nation’s top 50 law firms could…


Is the Teaching Law Firm a Way to Produce "Practice Ready" Law School Grads?

22 Aug

The teaching law firm is a proposal offered by Bradley T. Borden, (Brooklyn Law School) and Robert J. Rhee (Univ. of Maryland School of Law) in The Law School Firm [SSRN] 63 South Carolina Law Review (forthcoming 2011). The authors…


"A picture is worth a thousand words" for illustrating law grads’ corporate sector career paths in the "New Normal"

16 Aug

The caption for the image, right, in Vanessa O’Connell’s WSJ story, Cut the Law Firms, Keep the Lawyers, reads “Dargie Anderson Bowersock had expected to go to a law firm—the “traditional path”— but now works in H-P’s legal department in…