Archive for the ‘Info – Antics or Metrics?’ Category

Moneyball-ing Legal Services (and Law Schools and Law Libraries)

13 Oct

We shouldn’t be surprised that the new film, Moneyball, would lead to a discussion of the applicability of Moneyball-ing law firm hiring and retention, and the value of legal services provided to clients. Heck, seven years before the movie and…


PACER Fees Going Up

14 Sep

Public access to federal court docket materials is going up from 8 cents a page to 10 cents a page. As the Judicial Conference puts it: In separate action, the Conference responded to inflationary pressures by increasing, effective November 1,…


Location, Location, Location: Feeder Law Schools for BigLaw Associate Hiring and Promotion to Partnership

12 Aug

Two B-school profs, Paul Oyer and Scott Schaefer, have published the results of their study at American BigLaw Lawyers and the Schools that Produce Them: A Profile and Rankings: We profile the lawyers that work at the largest 300 American…


Google Rolls Out Limited Launch of Google Scholar Citations

22 Jul

On July 20th, Google rolled out a limited launch of its new citation tracker because “[t]his is a new direction for us and we plan to use the experience and feedback from the limited launch to improve the service.” From…


A Three Tiered World of Employed Law School Grads: Understanding The National Jurist’s Ranking of Best Law Schools for Standard of Living

15 Jul

The September issue of The National Jurist will publish its ranking of 135 law schools by a standard of living metric that uses median starting salaries, average debt payments, estimated federal and state taxes and cost of living adjustments for…