Winning in Court Means Learning Not to Lose

04 Aug

How to Lose in Court …

Win with Jurisdictionary!Too many pro se people lose in court, and today’s Tips & Tactics will tell you why!

Pro se people often send me papers to review.

Almost always, they write critically important papers as if they were “telling a story”!


Effective lawsuit Complaints and responses to complaints (Answers and Defenses) and motions, legal memoranda, and other papers you must file in court (if you want to win) are not “stories”.

Do NOT tell a story!

For example, consider your pleadings – the first papers you file (whether your filing a Complaint as plaintiff or filing an Answer and Affirmative Defenses as defendant).

Your pleadings are the MOST IMPORTANT PAPERS you will file … SO THEY MUST BE WRITTEN PROPERLY!

Your pleadings say what you’re fighting about!


They are not stories or “letters to the judge”.

If you don’t write the way Jurisdictionary teaches, you set yourself up for defeat right out of the box, even before the fight begins!

Pleadings have a purpose.

The purpose of pleadings is NOT TO TELL A STORY!

The same goes for all papers you file in court, motions, memoranda, etc. … but especially for pleadings.

Your Complaint (if you’re a plaintiff”) or Answer and Affirmative Defenses (if you’re a defendant) must be written in so it will accomplish 3 things:

  1. Allege the court has jurisdiction over the issues,
  2. Allege the necessary ultimate facts required to establish your right to a favorable judgment, and
  3. Demand judgment (and jury trial if wished).

You’ll have an opportunity to “tell your story” later with motions, memoranda, and discovery weapons as explained in the official 24-hour, step-by-step Jurisdictionary “How to Win in Court” course !

In more than 25 years as a licensed attorney, I can tell you most lawyers don’t get it … and that works to your advantage once you know what my course will teach you in just 24 hours!

Most lawyers did not learn how to write pleadings in law school. They weren’t taught about the “essential elements of causes of action”, for example. It’s true!

If you draft your papers properly (the Jurisdictionary way , of course)you’ll have a significant advantage over your opponents!

If you “tell a story” you’ll just make it easier for the other side to win!

#1 … Lawyers are famous for chasing rabbits and going on fishing expeditions. They are paid by the hour, after all! The more they write, the more they get paid. You aren’t being paid by the hour. Write little. Accomplish much!

#2 … If you write more than necessary, you give the other side more opportunities to chase rabbits and fish for facts that will not help you win!

#3 Proving a simple lawsuit is hard enough. The more facts you put in controversy, the more work you have to do.

#4 … It’s just plain stupid (unless you’re being paid by the hour) to allege more facts than the facts you must prove to win?

#5 … Judges don’t like to read. Judges are busy. Yours is not their only case! The more work you make the judge do to understand your side of the case, the more angry and frustrated the judge will become. That can’t work in your favor!

Get my official 24-hour Jurisdictionary “How to Win in Court” step-by-step course and discover just how easy it is to DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME!

Demanding to see the judge’s oath of office won’t help.

Insisting YOUR NAME in all caps isn’t you won’t help.

Complaining about fringe on the courtroom flag won’t help.

DO IT RIGHT with Jurisdictionary.

“So easy an 8th grader can do it!”

If you already have my Jurisdictionary course, keep this week’s tip in mind when you start to write a paper you plan to file with the court.

If you don’t have the course, what are you waiting for?

“So easy an 8th grader can do it!”

Order now!



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