Pro-SeBlog.Com: Your Self-Help Law Source

Get my book Representing Yourself in Court for $10 and learn about my personal consulting services.

14 Apr

gavelbookcover3The Founder of this blog, Rich Bergeron, wrote this book to make it easier for folks to start with limited understanding of the law and overcome the incredible odds against succeeding as your own attorney in a court of law.

Rich takes readers through two of his most intriguing cases where lawyers were hired with the specific purpose of silencing his most powerful writing work. Rich fought back, and this book is the result of his difficult struggle as an investigative reporter constantly seeking the truth about serious subjects.

Rich used the strategies in this book to overcome a $25 million lawsuit against him and to help generate serious publicity for the case of Lucille Iacovelli.

For just $10, you can have your very own digital copy of Rich’s book and read all about his battles against biased judges, billionaire casino barons and a doctor bent on keeping his critics from learning about his past mistakes. Rich also provides formal constitutional legal counseling for very affordable prices.

He can help explain the various risks and rewards of going into a courtroom without a lawyer. Representing yourself in court is nothing to take lightly, and Rich lays it out for his readers and customers in plain language. He describes just how corrupt the system can be and just how impossible it can sometimes seem to make the least bit of progress as your own legal representative.

The key is persistence, and Rich has tried to be the definition of that in all his legal efforts. Since writing his book, Rich also gained voluminous experience in the New Hampshire court system. The “Live Free or Die” state turned out to be one of the most restrictive and corrupt places to operate as a self-represented party for Rich.

The most valuable lessons in Rich’s book surround tricks and tactics you can use to even the odds against you by publicizing your efforts to obtain justice. The court of public opinion can have far more power than legal courts if you use it correctly and get your story out in a really ingenious and creative manner. Rich gives you insight on how he used publication and promotion efforts to tell and market his story on a worldwide basis.

Click the following link to order a digital copy of Rich’s book today for $10! It’s also available on Amazon (by clicking the book jacket photo above) for a $15 hard copy price.


How to Control the Judge!

10 Apr

Know How to Control Judges!

How to Win in Court
866-LAW-EASY ( 866-529-3279 )

Q. Can you win without controlling the judge?

A. You cannot!

Control the judge or lose!

There’s no other way!

Laws, rules, testimony, and evidence count for nothing … if you can’t control the judge!

You must control the judge!

This is your #1 job… if you want to win!

Learn from Jurisdictionary step-by-stepThreaten appeal!

Repeat internet legal mythology, demand to see his oath of office, challenge his jurisdiction based on the color of the fringe on the courtroom flag, and you’ll get absolutely nowhere!

Cite appellate court opinions that agree with you and what you want … and threaten appeal if the judge doesn’t agree with those appellate court opinions!

It’s stupid to march into court demanding one’s “Constitutional Rights”, expecting the judge to admit your evidence, deny evidence and tricks presented by your opponent, and award judgment in your favor.

It just doesn’t work that way!

Make it clear that you will win on appeal if the judge rules against you!

Learn how at How to Win in Court


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“How to Win in Court”


Computer, Tablet, or Smartphone

Save legal fees! Control judges!
Defeat crooked lawyers!


Call Toll Free: 866-Law-Easy


What You Must Do To Win!

10 Apr

How to Win in Court … without a lawyer!
Computer, Tablet, or Smartphone

FREE TRIAL … Discount if you bought CD course after April 08, 2012

Honorary Law Degree Included

Be a Winner with Jurisdictionary!

How to Win in Court
866-LAW-EASY ( 866-529-3279 )

The following are of things YOU must do to win.

  1. Draft proper pleadings with all fact elements
  2. Obtain all necessary evidence beforetrial
  3. Make effective oral motions
  4. Draft effective written motions
  5. Use online legal research
  6. Draft compelling memoranda
  7. Insure a written record of all proceedings
  8. Object promptly to all errors of opponent
  9. Object promptly to all errors of judge
  10. Renew objections to all un-cured errors of judge
  11. Keep your opponent’s evidence out
  12. Get your evidence in
  13. Stop opponent from proposing false orders
  14. Offer to draft all orders
  15. Stop opponent’s lawyer from testifying
  16. ... and more … !

If you don’t know how to do these simple tasks, you will likely lose … needlessly.

Learning how is easy.

But, the learning part is up to you!

The only thing that can help you win is learning how!

Learn the rules that control judges and lawyers.

Overcome courtroom corruption with knowledge.Learn from Jurisdictionary step-by-step

Don’t let anyone scare you into thinking it’s too complicated or deceive you into thinking lawyers are smarter than the rest of the human race … ’cause it ain’t so!

Anyone can learn “How to Win in Court”.

That means YOU!

Get a clear view of the field of play, the object of the game, and the rules that control the players.

Turn the tables on crooked lawyers.

Break through the bias of corrupt judges.

Learn now at How to Win in Court


Is Your Investment Strategy Stuck in Second Gear? Here’s How a Portfolio Pro Can Shift You into High Growth

10 Apr

Remember that commercial where the stressed-out couple watches their retirement savings shrink with every market dip? Yeah, that sinking feeling is all too real for many investors. But what if there was a way to hit the gas on your investment growth and leave those anxieties in the dust? Enter portfolio management services (PMS), your personal pit crew for the financial racetrack.

Studies show the power of professional guidance. A 2023 study by the National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) revealed that with expert help, investors see an average of 3% annual return boost compared to DIY investing [Source: NEFE]. That might sound like a small bump, but in the world of compound interest, it’s a game-changer. Imagine investing $50,000 with a 7% annual return (the historical average for the S&P 500) for 15 years. With a portfolio pro by your side achieving that extra 3% growth, your nest egg could reach nearly $140,000, compared to just over $90,000 without [Source:]. That’s a vacation home or a cushy retirement safety net – all thanks to a strategic shift.

So, how does a PMS work its magic? Here’s the winning formula:

Expert Steering: Financial markets are like a maze of twisty turns. Portfolio managers, with their in-depth knowledge and research capabilities, can spot hidden opportunities and undervalued assets you might miss on your own.
Customized Road Map: Unlike a pre-programmed GPS, a PMS creates a personalized investment plan based on your specific goals, risk tolerance, and investment timeline. It’s a roadmap designed to get you where you want to go, financially speaking.
Active Management: A good PMS isn’t just about setting it and forgetting it. They’re constantly monitoring your portfolio, making adjustments as needed to maintain your desired asset allocation and keep risk in check.
Free Up Your Time: Keeping a watchful eye on your investments can feel like a second job. A PMS takes the wheel, allowing you to focus on your life’s priorities while your money grows in the background.

The Bottom Line:

Building wealth for the future requires more than just blind optimism. Partnering with a skilled portfolio management service from provides the strategic guidance, customization, and time-saving benefits you need to reach the financial finish line. After all, wouldn’t you rather have a pro in your corner, helping you navigate the road to success? Are you ready to take your investments from cruise control to high gear?


Ignorance of the Law is NO EXCUSE!

10 Aug


Books 01Legal Research


If “ignorance of the law is no excuse” then knowing how to find official law that will decide the outcome of your case is critical to winning!

Fortunately, the “law of your case” is much simpler than you might imagine and easy to find! Most cases are won or lost on very few “laws”, perhaps a single statute and 3-4 appellate court decisions interpreting how that statute applies to the facts.

If you had to go to court 30 years ago, before personal computers and the internet, you’d have to dig through the dismally dry and boring stacks of thousands of look-alike books in a law library (if you could find one nearby). Back then, winning a lawsuit required litigants to spend hour-upon-hour turning dusty pages, pulling down piles of books to spread on the library table next to their yellow pad in what was often a fruitless search for the legal support their arguments needed.

All that has changed, thanks to the internet and competition between legal research sites that is driving the price down to a reasonable level where pretty much anyone who needs to do on-line legal research can afford it.

But, will you know how?

My course materials on legal research include videos showing actual screen-shots of on-line searches so an average 8th grader with reasonable computer skills will be able to find constitutional provisions, statutes, code, and appellate court opinions to support pretty much any legal argument you can think of.

These days it’s sooo easy to do legal research on-line … an average 8th grader cando it!

Instead of digging through thousands of books differing only by the numbers printed on their impressively formidable spines, you can log-on any of the growing number of competent legal databases and, with the flick of a few keyboard fingers find thousands of cases that deal with the issues of your case in seconds!Learn from Jurisdictionary step-by-step

Google® can get you started … for free!

But, don’t rely on Google® as the final authority. Google® will provide a good start in most cases, but before you go to court to argue how the appellate opinion you found is the final say-so, you need to dig deeper.

My affordable, official, 24-hour step-by-step Jurisdictionary “How to Win in Court”self-help course explains legal research with examples you can try out for yourself. Once you finish the course you’ll know how to find appellate decisions that favor your cause … and you’ll know how to cite them to the court in proper format. You’ll know how to tell the judge why you should win by citing authorities the judge is required by law to obey: court rules, cases, constitutional provisions, statutes and codes.

Clever argument is not enough.

You cannot win without finding and citing the legal authorities that control judges.

Those who don’t know how to find and cite legal authority cannot control judges nor win on appeal so they lose … needlessly!

In the heat of your lawsuit battles, you can be certain the other side will cite legal authorities favoring his case.

It’s essential to winning!

You must do the same thing … if you want to win.

Affordable 24-hour Step-by-Step Self-Help Course Includes:

5-hour video CD simplifies the process of litigation
2 audio CDs present practical tactics and procedures
15 in-depth tutorials on a 4th CD lay out the basics
Free EasyGuide to the Rules of Court
Instant On-Line Access while CDs are in the Mail
Still Only $249 … plus $7.50 Priority Mail Shipping & Handling
Save legal fees! Control judges!
Defeat crooked lawyers!

Ask anyone who has our course … “Jurisdictionary Works!”


Preparing for Hearings or Trial

10 Aug


Preparing for Hearings or Trial

Preparation is everything!

Whether you’re training for the Olympics or trying to win a case in court, winners know they must exercise, prepare themselves, and be ready for the competition.

If you do things the way I teach in my affordable,official, 24-hour step-by-step Jurisdictionary“How to Win in Court” self-help course, you may not have to go to trial. Most court cases can be won before trial, if you follow a certain method of proceeding.

But! You will in all likelihood be required to prepare for and attend a few hearings and, if you don’t master what I teach in my course, you will probably have to prepare for and enter the trial arena for a final judgment.

Either way, you must prepare.

The best preparation begins when the case begins (whether you’re a plaintiff or defendant). Here is when you memorize the “pleadings” (i.e., the allegations of the plaintiff’s Complaint, the defendant’s Answer and Affirmative Defenses, and the plaintiff’s Reply to the defendant’s Affirmative Defenses.

These are the most important documents in any case! The allegations in these initial documents tell us what the parties intend to prove, indeed what they mustprove by the greater weight of admissible evidence in order to win.

Too many people worry about too many things that have nothing whatever to do with the allegations contained in the pleadings.

Everything begins and ends with the allegations contained in the initial pleadings.

If your case goes to trial, it will those allegations in your pleadings that you’ll be struggling to prove by bringing in MORE evidence in favor of your allegations than your opponent has in support of his.

Whether you’re at a hearing or a full-blown jury trial, the only facts that matter are those alleged by the pleadings. Other facts may be brought in by witnesses, documents, or tangible exhibits – but the only facts necessary are those that tend to prove or disprove the allegations of the pleadings. Everthing else is a waste of time and only results in muddying the waters and giving your opponent more opportunities to confuse the judge and discredit you!Learn from Jurisdictionary step-by-step

Now is the time to list the witnesses, documents, and tangible things you have (or can get with your 5 discovery tools explained in my course) that will tend to prove your allegations are true.

Now is the time to list the witnesses, documents, and tangible things you have (or can get with your 5 discovery tools explained in my course) that will tend to dis-prove the allegations of your opponent’s pleadings.

Now is the time to move the court to take judicial notice of all facts for which the court can be forced to take judicial notice.

Now is the time to move the court to take judicial notice of all laws that apply to the facts of the case.

Now is the time to file motions in limine to prevent your opponent from bringing in extraneous or prejudicial facts at trial.

Now is the time to file carefully-researched memoranda in support of your motions and overall legal position.

Now is the time to line up your witnesses, get affidavits of their testimony before you take their depositions, and then take their depositions so you can be assured their testimony at evidentiary hearings or trial will be what your witnesses “told” you it would be.

Now is the time to take depositions of your opponent’s witnesses, so you can undermine them and show they do not have first-hand knowledge of the facts your opponent intends to use them to present, or that they are biased, or that they are convicted felons or otherwise unreliable.

Now is the time to order my affordable, official, 24-hour step-by-step Jurisdictionary “How to Win in Court” self-help course and begin to study it carefully so you don’t find yourself behind the 8-ball when it comes time for hearingsor trial.

If you do things my way, you may not have to go to trial at all.


Using On-Line Legal Research

10 Aug

Find the Law that Controls the Judge!

You cannot win without controlling judges.

You cannot control judges unless you research and cite controlling “legal authority” for every point you seek to make on the court’s record!

The judge is not the authority!

You must make it crystal clear on the court’s record that the judge will be reversed on appeal if he rules against you.

Otherwise, a judge is free to ignore everything you say and rule any way he pleases in spite of what the law and facts may prove to the contrary … because he knows he will not be reversed on appeal.

The appeal process will not give you another bite at the proverbial apple. Either you make your points with the trial judge by researching and properly citing controlling“legal authority”, or you run the risk of losing your case and being stuck with the judge’s unjust decision forever!

Don’t believe me?

Go tell a judge what your personal opinions are about the law and how you think he should rule in your case, and see how far it gets you!

The only opinions that count in court are the written opinions of appellate court justices who stand in judgment of trial level judges and have power to reverse them if they disagree with appellate decisions in any way!

Your opinions (no matter how clever or persuasive) count for nothing in court.

You must clearly show the judge on the record by citing official legal authorities from appellate decisions, exactly what will happen if the judges rules against you!

Controlling judges is what wins lawsuits!

You control judges by making clear on the record what higher level appellate courts have ruled in the past, what opinions those higher courts have passed down, and why the higher courts will reverse the trial judge’s orders if he rules contrary to what the appellate courts require.

You must tell the judge why you should win – by citing official legal authorities the judge is required to obey:

  • court rules,
  • constitutional provisions,
  • statutes,
  • codes, and
  • most importantly the opinions of higher courts that clarify what those rules, constitutional provisions, statutes, and codes really mean!

What you think these things mean doesn’t count! Trust me!

How you choose to read and interpret those things doesn’t count.Learn from Jurisdictionary step-by-step

The only thing that counts is how the controlling appellate courts read and interpret them, and what they say those things mean in regard to the facts of your case.

The other side will cite legal authorities for their case.

You must do the same … if you want to win.

If you’ve wandered through a law library in search of legal authority, you were probably amazed to find crowded shelves stuffed with volumes of similar-looking books differing only by the mysterious numbers printed on their spines. Books that give no hint which one might hide the key to unlock the judge’s favor in your case.

In a well-stocked law library there are thousands of books.

You cannot possibly read them all to find what you seek, and even the indexes, appendices, and annotations are a complex nightmare that requires years of experience to master.

On the other hand, on-line legal research is easy.

We show you how in our course.

Learn how to use on-line legal research and how to cite case-winning legal authority with the affordable, official, step-by-step 24-hour Jurisdictionary self-help course!

So easy an 8th grader can do it!


Good Legal Writing

30 Jul

What is good legal writing?

I want you to think about this question … hard and long!

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What is your goal?

  • Impress the judge?
  • Confuse the opponent?
  • Or, win the case?

Everything we do in life has in one sense or another a particular goal. Some things we do are automatic, like breathing, yet there is always a goal. In business, the goal is to provide a benefit to others. In sports, the goal is to perform to the highest of our athletic ability. In law, the goal is to make a winning record in writing!

Many lawyers and most pro se litigants miss this point … they get sidetracked with unimportant distractions!

Every word spoken in a courtroom or written on paper filed with the clerk or served on the other side must aim toward this specific goal.

All words that aren’t aimed at making a winning record must go!

Since 1997 when Jurisdictionary began, people have sent documents for review. In all but a few the punch, power, and persuasive effect could be improved by eliminating 90% of the words and by keeping only those aimed at making a winning record.

Most of what came for review read more like the writer was trying to tell a story, rather than trying to make a winning court record of relevant facts and controlling law!

Learn from Jurisdictionary step-by-stepLegal writing is NOT story-telling!

Any fact that’s not “relevant” and any law that’s not “controlling” should be eliminated.

I rebuilt a few car engines in my youth. I removed bolts, nuts, gaskets, and pins. I placed the removed parts on a sheet of cardboard on the floor of my garage. All was arranged neatlyin order. When the time came to put the engine back together, every part had a place, and that’s where I put each part … in its place!

A place for every part. Every part in its place.

I didn’t add any parts! I didn’t leave any parts out!

That’s good legal writing!

Every word has a purpose … to make your winning record.

More years ago than I like to remember, I worked as a reporter for the Tampa Times newspaper. My city editor was ruthless with my writing. I learned from him. Since being admitted to the bar in 1986, I’ve applied what he taught me. “Say what needs to be said then stop!

What was true for newspaper writing is doubly true for legal writing.

Say what needs to be said and stop!

Write like you were “speaking” to an 8th grader. You aren’t Jimmy Buffet. You don’t need a “novelist’s eye” or a “bartender’s ear”. You aren’t telling a story! You’re assembling essential parts of a powerful engine.

That’s what good legal writing does! Each part has a specific purpose.

What I teach will empower your legal paperwork and give you the competitive edge you need to win!


Protect Yourself From Lawyers

30 Jul

Win with Jurisdictionary!

… Especially Your Own Who is Taking Your Money!

It’s easy to learn how to win with Jurisdictionary!

If you’re like most people, you don’t have a clue what it takes to win a lawsuit.

If you have a lawyer, you don’t have a clue what your lawyer should be doing or how you might get involved in your case to reduce legal fees and costs. Make sure to contact skilled attorneys that can help you in any case with the best advice.

If you don’t have a lawyer, you go to court blindfolded, with one had tied behind your back!

If you hire a lawyer, you pay the lawyer, tell the lawyer about your problem, leave your problem with the lawyer, take your chances, and hope for the best!

There IS another way!

A nice lady contacted us for help. Her lawyer promised to file an appeal after the court ruled against her. The lawyer never filed! The deadline to file ran out. Her winnable case is lost forever!

A nice man paid his lawyer $60,000. No discovery was done. No evidence was uncovered. The case was lost. His $60,000 bought absolutely nothing!

Too often people hire lawyers who are afraid to stand up to arrogant judges, too timid to press opponents for evidence, unwilling to fight tooth-and-nail for rights the lawyer promised to protect, or simply bailing out at the last moment, leaving their clients to fight their legal battles alone. Perhaps you know good people who suffered at the hands of their own lawyers. If so, we’d like to hear from you. Send your stories to:

Legal malpractice is on the rise, yet most people have no idea how to stop it, whether it’s a crooked lawyer on the other side or your own lawyer!

People who pay lawyers, instead of going pro se, frequently end up holding the bag when the lawyer they hire bails our or wimps out, so they lose and never know why!

Good people should never lose in our courts … whether they can afford a lawyer or not!

But, the vast majority don’t know where to turn to find out for themselves what it takes to win … whether they go pro se without a lawyer or dig into their life’s savings to pay someone to represent them.

And, far too many good people rely on stupid ideas offered by amateurs who send out emails or hold weekend seminars. Not wise!

Jurisdictionary was created by a lawyer with more than a quarter-century of case-winning experience controlling judges and lawyers with nothing more than a common-sense knowledge of the Rules of Court and how to use them!

Only YOU can protect yourself from lawyers!

There is NO SUBSTITUTE for knowing what it takes to win … whether you can afford the most expensive legal team or barely afford to put food on your family’s table.

Jurisdictionary shows you what needs to be done and makes iteasy-to-understand – whether you do it yourself as a pro se or hire a lawyer to do it for you. You’ll know how pleadings and motions should be drafted. You’ll know what must be done to force the other side to produce evidence. You’ll know the objections that must be made when the opposition tries to trick you with legalese or smoke-and-mirrors tactics.

You’ll know what it takes to keep judges honest ! ! !

Without the easy-to-learn Jurisdictionary lawsuit self-help course, you’re at the mercy of the lawyer on the other side, you’re at the mercy of the judge and, if you have a lawyer, you’re at the mercy of your very own lawyer!

Without Jurisdictionary knowledge, you needlessly risk losing!

Don’t become another sad lawsuit story! There are far too many already!

Let Jurisdictionary show you how easy it is to know what it takes to win!

If you must hire a lawyer you’ll know what should be done. You won’t pay for incompetence or laziness. You won’t let your own lawyer cheat you! You’ll know how to demand the effective legal services you’re paying for!

If you can’t afford a lawyer, you’ll know how to force the court to protect your rights and the rights of those you love by enforcing the Rules of Court!

Learn from Jurisdictionary step-by-stepIt’s easy with the affordable 24-hour Jurisdictionary course.

Learn how to control the court — step-by-step … in just 24 hours!

Go to to learn more!

Forward this Tips & Tactics to your friends. They’ll thank you for it.

Winners know how to control the court using the official Rules of Court!

BE A WINNER … Learn how to use the Rules of Court to win!

If you don’t yet know what we teach, you cannot imagine how much fun it is to force people to do what’s right … even when they don’t want to!

You have POWER TO CONTROL JUDGES once you know what the course explains so clearly an 8th grader can learn it all in just 24 hours!

What do you have to lose?

Losers believe in fables and get their legal education at the barbershop or expensive weekend seminars or websites run by people who never practiced law, never went to law school, and don’t know mud from sand about the Rules of Court or how to use those rules to control judges.

Jurisdictionary IS what it takes to win!

Knowing how to use the Rules of Court to control lawyers and judges really does work!

Protect yourself!

To learn more, go to:


The Pro Se Problem

30 Jul

Why Pro Se Litigants Have a Hard Time.

Many pro se people are winning.

Unfortunately, a great number who should be winning are losing … needlessly!

Going to court without a lawyer is a growing phenomenon. Whether it’s the high cost of legal fees or growing distrust of lawyers in general, the trend is for more people to fightwithout lawyers

The American Bar Association reports nearly 1/2 of all pro sefolks believe lawyers care more about their own self-interest than their client’s rights.

If you go by calls and emails Jurisdictionary receives, there’s good reason for this! Lawyers who bail at the last minute. Lawyers who don’t know what they’re doing. And, worst of all, lawyers wishing to curry favor with judges, afraid to stand up to the buffalo in the black robe and demand their clients’ rights by making timely objections and threatening appeal.

60% of pro se people say they can’t afford a lawyer.

20% say they simply don’t want to spend the money.

Nearly ½ of all court proceedings in the U.S. involve at least one pro se party … and too many of them are losing all because they don’t yet know the “rules of the game” or how to play to win!

Good people who should be winning are losing needlessly simply because they were never taught what it takes to win!

Ever ask yourself, “Why?”

Ever wonder if there might be a sinister reason nothing about law is taught to our children in schools supported by our tax dollars?

Who benefits from your legal ignorance?

You have a Constitutional right to justice.

You have a Constitutional right to go to court and win pro se!

Your rights were paid for by the blood of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for you!


Pro se people too often do not get justice.Learn from Jurisdictionary step-by-step


We at Jurisdictionary receive emails every day complaining there’s a judicial “conspiracy” against pro se litigants.

Let’s examine facts:

  1. Most pro se people know nothing about the official Rules of Evidence that control the judge and all parties and their lawyers.
  2. Most pro se people know nothing about the official Rules of Procedure that control the judge and all parties and their lawyers.
  3. Most pro se people have no idea what “due process” really is.
  4. Most pro se people can’t recognize the opposing lawyer’s dirty tricks.
  5. Most pro se people assume what “admissible evidence” is and don’t know what stuff isn’t.
  6. Most pro se people draft their pleadings and motions incorrectly – usually with far too many words!
  7. Most pro se people don’t know why it’s vital to write proposed orders for the judge to sign.
  8. Most pro se people don’t know why, when, or how to make effective objections in court.
  9. Most pro se people don’t understand what facts are critical to winning a case and what facts are of no consequence.
  10. Most pro se people muddy the legal waters with court-confusing insignificance.
  11. Most pro se people don’t know how to find and cite controlling appellate opinions in support of their motions.
  12. Most pro se people don’t arrange in advance of every proceeding to have a court stenographer present, so they can control the judge.
  13. Most pro se people waste valuable court time with non-essentials, fail to appreciate the needs of others who have other problems to bring before the court and, as a consequence, tend to make judges dread pro se cases and hate pro se people.


Pro se people who know what I explain so simply in my affordable, official, 24-hour step-by-step Jurisdictionary “How to Win in Court” self-help course winning consistently and getting compliments from judges and even opposing lawyers.

It’s so easy to learn how to do things the right way!

If you and friends were playing a game of basketball, and some bystander wanted to play but didn’t know the rules … how would you feel when he or she kept fouling and arguing he or she has a right to do as he or she pleases because she doesn’t know the rules?

Put yourself in the judges’ robes!

Many years ago, after winning a motion, an older judge asked me to stay behind after the parties left. He took me aside and said simply: “I want you to know that the case before yours today was to protect a little girl who’s grandfather thinks it’s fun to extinguish cigars on her legs.” I knew what he wanted me to know, and I never forgot. Other people’s case are serious, too.

Pro se people who know what I explain in my affordable, official, 24-hour step-by-step Jurisdictionary “How to Win in Court” self-help course don’t waste the court’s time and get justice by knowing the rules and how to use them tactically to control the judge and opposing counsel.

Winners learn the rules and how to use them!

If you want to win, get my affordable, official, 24-hour step-by-step Jurisdictionary “How to Win in Court” self-help course.