Posts Tagged ‘show’

University of Illinois Issues Report on Admission Data Manipulation

08 Nov

The University of Illinois has issued its report on the Law School’s revelation that it reported of false student profile data to the ABA and US News. A copy is available here. Principle findings from the Executive Summary show these…


What’s Next for Carol Bartz?

10 Sep

As a quick follow-up to Mark Giangrande’s Yahoo Fires CEO Bartz, What Next For The Company?, how about what’s next for Carol Bartz? Considering all the drama, perhaps a Reality TV show called “How I Spent My $10 Million Severance…

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Watchdog on Wall Street Chris Markowski Weighs In on the Financial Crisis

18 Jun

"Watchdog on Wall Street" Chris Markowski's roles are reversed when Rich Bergeron interviews this popular talk show host about the distressed U.S. economy.

As part of Fight News Unlimited‘s plan to expand our coverage to cover fights of all kinds on all fronts, we spoke today with Chris Markowski, known as the Watchdog on Wall Street.

“Rabble Rousin'” Rich Bergeron interviewed Markowski earlier today to tackle the fight against government waste and corruption that is playing out in congressional debates and is a topic TV news pundits are constantly discussing these days. Markowski is a political and economic expert and nationally-syndicated radio talk show host. Chris talks about a variety of different topics surrounding our volatile United States economy in our podcast below.

USA Today reported recently that the US Government will be on the hook for 61.6 trillion dollars in unpaid financial promises thanks in part to Social Security and Medicare. The Watchdog on Wall Street says if you add the financial bailouts and other government payouts for social programs we could see this number hit 100 trillion dollars. Chris Markowski predicted this would happen 5 years ago, and has been warning Americans for over 10 years.

That debt makes each US household responsible to pay $527,000.00 to fund these promises. That responsibility is 5 times the amount an average US home borrows for a house, car and other debt.

Chris Markowski’s Background:

* Hosts a syndicated radio show which is heard in over 100 markets
* Regularly featured expert on CW network’s “Daily Buzz”
* Frequent Contributor to FOX News and CNN
* President of Markowski Investments
* Appeared on “Inside Edition”
* Political and Financial Expert

Find out more about Chris at his Web-site:



Friday Fun: Filming of Congressional Reality Show Disrupts Committee Meeting

10 Jun

Is it just me or are you thinking you would love to supplement your income by being a writer for the Onion News Network. Imagine, for example, what would happen if the Onion News Network turned its attention to law…


At the Chelsea Flower Show

26 May

I just read in the Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail of the celebrities attending the annual Chelsea Flower show in London. Another opportunity to show off their hats.

I see that my old sister-in-law Vanessa was there with her daughter Joely. She named a rose in honor of her other daughter Natasha, who died as the result of a foolish escapade on the slopes of a Canadian ski run a couple of years ago.

I cannot help but ask her why she could not do the same for her young sister Lynn, who has just past the first anniversary of her death on the flats of Kent, Connecticut.

It could be named THE PRINCESS MARGARET ROSE (get it?).  For Lynn felt she was always the second favorite daughter in her family.


Trusting Lawyers Loses Lawsuits !

25 May


Win with Jurisdictionary!If you’re like most people, you don’t trust lawyers … I don’t either! 

You’re smart!

If you’re really smart, you won’t trust judges, either!

Many judges are excellent people who try their best to give everyone the benefit of law and follow the rules of court.

A few are horrible tyrants or downright crooks.


You MUST go into every lawsuit doubting the honesty of the judge.

You must be on guard against the shady ethics of the lawyer on the other side.

And (if you’re lucky enough to be able to afford one) it’s a good idea to keep a close watch on your own lawyer!

The multitude of lawyer jokes ought to give you a clue!

Q: What’s 5,000 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?

A: A good start!

Is there another profession with anywhere near as many criticallynegative jokes about its members? Of course not!

There must be a reason, and YOU must beware!

Court battles are an axe-fight! Don’t forget it!

The other side’s lawyer is going to play every dirty trick the judge allows.

Count on it.

Plan ahead for it.

Be prepared to combat it and PROTECT YOURSELF!

Then there’s your own lawyer (if you’re rich enough to pay $300/hour or more to have one on your side). Dare you trust your own lawyer without first learning what it takes to win in court? 

Will your lawyer do what must be done to win?

If you cannot pay your lawyer for all the hours needed to get evidence, prepare for hearings, research the law, draft effective motions, etcetera, who is going to get the job done?

Will your lawyer even tell you what could have been done, what shouldhave been done … once you lose?

What if your lawyer gets up on the wrong side of bed?

What if your lawyer is afraid to stand up to the judge and threaten appeal by objecting to the judge’s rulings?

You’d be amazed how many are afraid of judges!

Where does this leave YOU?

Legal malpractice and courtroom corruption are on the rise these days, yet most people have no idea how to fight back and protect themselves. Most people have no idea what it takes to win in court …or how easy it is once you learn how!

When a judge lets a lawyer on the other side get away with smoke-and-mirrors games, YOU LOSE!

When a judge won’t let you make objections to preserve your record for appeal, YOU LOSE!

When your own lawyer (if you have one) bails at the last minute when crunch time comes or wimps out when it’s necessary to hold the judge accountable to the rules, if YOU don’t know what to do, YOU LOSE!

Most disturbing of all, if you lose for these reasons YOU CANNOT APPEAL YOUR LOSS!

The only way to protect yourself is to learn!

Know what it takes to win in court!

Use the official Jurisdictionary self-help course!

Jurisdictionary shows you what needs to be done. You’ll know how pleadings and motions should be drafted. You’ll know what must be done to force the other side to produce evidence. You’ll know the objections that must be made when the opposition tries to trick you with legalese or smoke-and-mirrors tactics. You’ll know how to keep the judge in line!

Without the easy-to-learn official Jurisdictionary self-help course, you’re at the mercy of the lawyer on the other side, at the mercy of the judge and, if you have a lawyer. you’re at the mercy of your very own lawyer!

If you don’t have Jurisdictionary, you lose!

Don’t be another sad lawsuit story!

Let Jurisdictionary show you how easy it is to win!

Then, if you must hire a lawyer you’ll know what should be done. You won’t pay for incompetence or laziness.

And, if you can’t afford a lawyer, you’ll know how to force the court to protect your rights and the rights of those you love.

It’s easy with our affordable 24-hour course.

Learn how to control the court — step-by-step.

Visit the Jurisdictionary to learn more!

Forward this to your friends. They’ll thank you for it.

Winners know how to control the court!

That’s how you win!

You have a remedy at law … if you know how to use it.

If you don’t yet know what we teach, you cannot imagine how much fun it is to force people to do what’s right by using the Jurisdictionary methods for winnning lawsuits.

You have POWER TO CONTROL THE COURT once you know the methods we explain so easily an 8th grader can learn and understand in just 24 hours!

All 4 CDs plus instant internet access as soon as you order, still only $249 (plus 7.50 for Priority Mail delivery).

What do you have to lose?

Losers believe in fables and get their legal education at the barbershop or expensive weekend seminars or websites run by people who never practiced law, never went to law school, and don’t know mud from sand about the Rules of Court or how to use those rules to control the court.

Yet, that IS what it takes to win!

Jurisdictionary was created by a lawyer with more than 23 years of real-time experience winning lawsuits!

Protect yourself!

If you have a lawyer, you’ll save thousands in legal fees just by knowing what your lawyer should be doing to win.

If you don’t have a lawyer, you’ll maximize the odds by knowing how to stop the opponent’s crooked tactics and how to get and keep the judge on your side!

To learn more, go to:


Let Jurisdictionary show you how to stop the games!

Let Jurisdictionary give you power to enforce your rights!

Let Jurisdictionary enlighten you to the tools and weapons every one of you possess to force our courts to impose the rules on your opponents!


People have been using Jurisdictionary for years to win in court. They learn the fundamentals and how to apply them wisely and effectively,and you can, too!

Click HERE or on the flowchart image below to see the Lawsuit Process at-a-glance.Win-Lose Flowchart


It really IS this simple!

What good are “rights”, if you don’t know how to use the rules correctly to enforceyour rights?

Why remain in legal darkness?

It really IS this simple!

There’s a lot to learn, but you can learn it in 24 hours, and none of it is too difficult for the average 8th grader.

The Rules are fair.

The judge may not be fair.

The lawyer on the other side probably won’t be fair!

But, the Rules are fair!

YOU can learn how to use the rules to win!


Click HERE or click on the flowchart above to see the fundamentals at-a-glance.

It’s sad that so many today fear and hate the very system of Law & Order that is the only power that is able to protect them from villainy at the hands of their fellow man and the tyranny of despotic political power.

This chart shows how fundamentally easy it is!

Please be careful who you trust to teach you about the law and how our courts work! There are all kinds of folks who hold themselves out as “legal gurus” you. There is a “movement” in our nation that’s lost faith in America. The leaders of this “movement” see only evil and none of the good. You can detect them by their anger and the “nifty tricks” they say you can use to win in court to get around the rules.

The fact is, learning the Rules is very, very easy!


The Rules of Court are what guarantee your rights! If you cannotenforce your rights, you might as well not have any … because a “right” you cannot enforce is not worth much!

Even the Constitution itself is a set of “rules”.

The Rules of Court go hand-in-hand and are your power to secure Justice and enforce your rights!

Nothing else works!

Try writing letters to the governor. Doesn’t work.

Write letters to the Bar. Doesn’t work.

Write letters to your congressman. Doesn’t work.

Carry signs in the street. Doesn’t work.

Send emails to all your friends. Doesn’t work.

Learn how to use the Rules of Evidence and Rules of Procedure in Court … THEY WORK FAIRLY FOR YOU IF YOU KNOW HOW TO WORK THEM!

Most of you have taken a sacred oath before Almighty God to uphold the Constitution of the United States.

Yet, very, very few of you have any idea how to enforce the rights our Constitution promises or any of the rights promised to you by your state constitutions, statutes, or common law?


Because my profession doesn’t want you to know!

Make you angry?

I hope so!

Let’s tell everyone: Now is the time to learn!

Are you facing one of these battles?

  • Foreclosure
  • Custody
  • Child Support
  • Taxation Issues
  • Property Rights
  • Criminal Charges
  • Contract Disputes
  • Slander
  • Landlord-Tenant Problems
  • Etcetera …….

Short of grabbing your squirrel gun and a box of ammo, the only way you can get your “redress of grievances” is through using our court system wisely.

But! Notice the word, “wisely”.

You must understand what this week’s FREE flowchart explains clearly.

So, click HERE and study the flowchart now.

And, be certain to visit Jurisdictionary to learn more about theofficial 24-hour, step-by-step lawsuit self-help course that everyone is talking about these days!

Help Your Friends!
Forward this email and this link to the
Lawsuit Flowchart
so your friends can see how easy it is to win.

I faithfully attended 3 years of classes in law school and read every page of a stack of lawbooks 20-feet high, but in all those years the very simple common-sense secrets of the simple process that lets any person of average intelligence Win in Court was never explained.

Jurisdictionary reveals the secrets lawyers don’t want you to know!

The process is simple, and YOU can do it!

If you have a lawyer, he may be unwilling to do it. He may be afraid to do it.

But, if you want to win, someone must do it!

I realize these Tips & Tactics newsletters urge you to order the self-help course. If you already have the official Jurisdictionary course, perhaps these newsletters will encourage you to learn more.

The things you don’t yet know are the very things your opponent will use to destroy your case!

Lawsuits are an axe fight.

Jurisdictionary is your axe!



Could “Two and a Half Men” Be Better Than Ever With Ashton Kutcher?

22 May

I just read a review of 2 1/2 Men by a “communications professor” by the name of Robert Thompson.  He admitted that while watching and critiquing the show, he would rather be balancing his checkbook.

The fact is, 2 1/2 Men is the only truly honest depiction of male and female behavior in our current American and possibly worldwide culture. It deals with real-life situations, and the greed, dishonesty and scamming that goes on at all levels of society and industry, producing the norms of life today. Its popularity, continuing with huge audience followers watching reruns, deny the premise put forth by this professor of communications.

From the working professional’s viewpoint, it is clear that the core of the show is the relationship between 2 brothers, Charlie and Alan, played by Sheen and Cryer.  They are joint protagonists, and Sheen is the perfect foil for Cryer.  Their interplay is worthy of the best of the Smothers Brothers, Laurel and Hardy and the 3 Stooges, the difference being that they are never seen to be “performing”, but just are; believable at every moment. The writing is so superior that one can sit through each show many times.  There is a kind of inevitability in the substance of the patter, and one discovers nuances in funny lines with deep meaning. I myself relax in the evening watching yet again another episode.  I have 72 of them saved.  I recommend almost every episode as a model for the aspiring writer learning how to shape a script, with perfect character, plot, and story development.

It is a shame that a political situation developed between Sheen, joint creator Lorre, Warner Bros. and CBS.  It has been decided that they should continue the run of this golden goose without Sheen.  But it won’t and it shouldn’t work.

What Sheen and Cryer should do is develop their own show with an entirely different setting, and an entirely different family, and continue the exploration of familial situations for 2 disparate brothers. Of course, they would lose their supporting cast, which would be unfortunate.  Apart from anything else, and aside from the show, it would be fun to watch how these parties will squabble over the age-old conundrum of who creates, and therefore owns, the fictitious characters of entertainment. Actors vs. writers vs. directors vs. financial backers.  Another legal drama in the making.  And they will suffer from the absence of Lorre, who is a writing genius, as well as the supporting cast, unequaled in anything I have ever seen.

If any sample of our civilization should be crammed into a space capsule for aliens to see, it would be every episode of 2 1/2 Men as it presently exists.


The Brits aren’t coming, THEY’RE HERE!

17 Jan

Tonight, PIERS MORGAN, 45, starts his CNN contract on air, replacing the redoubtable Larry King, 77, in the time-slot of Larry King Live. King avoided controversy.  Morgan looks for it.  He comes from his editorship of the London tabloids The Sun, The News of the World, and the Daily Mirror. Interesting choice.  I was only aware of him as a judge on America’s Got Talent.

But last night I saw him as an interviewer on a 2 year old show from England, with his take on Hollywood in January 2009 from the British POV. Much has happened since then due to the economy, but one remark of his rings in my ears.

"Talent success in Hollywood is measured by how much money you make – for others."

That is so true, and is why so many lives fall apart when the talented souls are no longer useful to the real world, and are left with personal identity crises.  I’ve always avoided the middle men, the agents and managers and press agents, since my child actor days and the following 33 years with the late Lynn Redgrave.  Now?  My bad!

Then I watched the Golden Globes.  Host Ricky Gervais is not my favorite comedian, with his scattershot technique.  But the shots he lobbed to any and all sitting there were what we used to call Home Truths, nobody being spared. And my question is, is America going through a phase of self flagellation? If so, then Morgan will last just so long as he’s put up with. But his style will obsolesce the likes of Barbara Walters and Regis Philbin for a while. However, middle America won’t like him at all. Will that translate into money problems for CNN, the advertisers and the like?  CNN is in it for the money, and as long as it comes in, he’s there to stay.  But I think he won’t last too long.

Good luck to him, a healthy change – for now. Look forward to real debate Oxford style, instead of the steady stream of one-sided right wing invective which flows from most well paid radio talk show hosts, who assume we are a nation of idiots, and ignore the fact that there are a lot of schizophrenics out there. But that’s a whole other subject!


Dr. Laura reinventing herself again?

18 Aug

I wrote about Dr. Laura Schlessinger awhile back, comparing her to Dr. Toni Grant. So did Betty Bowers, which is also worth recalling.  If you want to know who Betty Bowers is, she’s explained here.  Meanwhile, we will wait with baited breath for the umpteenth coming of Dr. Laura, but in what shape? She claims she will be giving up her radio show.  Back to books, or TV reality appearances? A game show? A Judge on America’s Got Talent? (I can think of others who have done this.)  Perhaps she will go back to this, although I think it’s got a bit past her.

Her callers will have to find some other problem-seeker offering personalized answers. Someone with a little sensitivity, someone who will know whether it is ok to flaunt the "N" word. I do feel a tiny bit sorry for her, truth to tell. For her life as of now will be taken over by others not of her choosing, and I know how that feels.