Posts Tagged ‘Sheriff’

Elected San Francisco Sheriff Accused of Domestic Battery, Has His Guns Impounded.

26 Jan

San Francisco’s Sheriff claims he can still do his job, even though he had to turn in his guns to the court. District Attorneys says they will treat him like any other criminal defendant. Continue reading


Warrant for Failure to Complete Community Service? Solve the Problem Voluntarily.

08 Nov

If you have a warrant for failure to complete community service or Sheriff’s Work Program, there is a way to request a second chance. Continue reading


What Do “Suspended Sentence” and “Probation” Really Mean?

08 Sep

A “Suspended” sentence or fine means that it is not imposed immediately, but can be if the terms of probation are not satisfied. In a typical DUI Probation Sentence for a first offense, a court will generally hang a Suspended Sentence of jail time over the head of the Defendant incase of a probation violation, such as not showing up for the Sheriff’s Work Program. Continue reading