Posts Tagged ‘Sentence’

Jail Realignment Makes NOW the Time to Take Care of Old Bench Warrants.

01 Dec

Now is the time to take care of old warrant cases in CA, because the jail “Realignment” program is causing a temporary lack of space and money in county jails. Judges are more open than ever to alternative sentences. Continue reading


Case-Winning Paperwork

05 Nov

… Part 1

( From Jurisdictionary® “How to Win in Court” course. )

Want to drive your opponents nuts?Man Waving Paper

Tie them down with word-power!

I’ve been a lawyer since 1986, and what I tell you here (and with more details in my “How to Win in Court” step-by-step self-help course) will empower you to stuff your opponents in a neatly-packaged word-box and win your case hands-down!

Many lawyers never understand this … so they lose, needlessly.

Most pro se people never understand this, either … so they lose, needlessly.

The key is nothing harder than writing simple sentences.

Short sentences.

Powerful sentences.

Sentences with ONE VERB.

Sentences with ONE SUBJECT.

Sentences that EACH HAVE THEIR OWN PARAGRAPH NUMBER! That’s right. Every sentence gets its own paragraph, and each of those paragraphs has a separate number. (The course gives sample forms to show you how.)

One sentence per numbered paragraph. One subject. One verb. And only the absolutely necessary adjectives and adverbs.Big-Nosed Nazi

If it’s important to note that your opponent’s nose was gigantic, say so. Otherwise, leave it out! Too many adjectives and adverbs just complicate your case unnecessarily, give the other side more things to argue about … things that ultimately have nothing to do with what it takes to win!

A sentence is a complete thought. Mrs. Edgerton taught me that in Second Grade. It’s helped me win countless court battles.

Every simple sentence starts with a capital letter, ends with a period, and contains just one verb, and just one subject. No commas or semi-colons unless absolutely, positively necessary and for a purpose that promotes your cause!

Consider these two sets of numbered paragraphs:

  1. Defendant was very forceful and convincing when he said he would spray my strawberry plants every week during the four months I was away on business in Europe shopping for priceless art treasures for my adorable wife, however he did not at any time while I was gone spray my strawberries, because he was off playing poker in Las Vegas and losing his shirt, so I lost most of my strawberry crop this year to tiny green bugs that ate the beautiful white strawberry blossoms before my plants could bear their luscious fruit.
  2. I paid defendant $2,000 before leaving for Europe, and he didn’t ask for any more money, so I assumed he would do what he said he would do, but he didn’t, so I lost a great deal of money.
  3. This is why I have sued him.

– – – – – – –

  1. Plaintiff and defendant entered a written agreement.
  2. Copy of agreement attached as Exhibit A.
  3. Defendant promised to spray plaintiff’s strawberries with insecticide from 5 December 2009 through 15 April 2010.
  4. Defendant agreed to do the job for $2,000.
  5. Plaintiff paid Defendant $2,000 on 1 December 2009.
  6. Defendant failed to spray plaintiff’s strawberries.
  7. Plaintiff suffered money damages exceeding $15,000.

Each sentence has it’s own paragraph number.

Each sentence has one verb, one subject.

Each sentence has minimal adjectives or adverbs.

Each sentence is a complete thought.

There can be no doubt what your words mean!

Winning in court is all about effective communication.

Communicate effectively with simple sentences.


What to Do If You Cannot Complete a Term of Probation by Deadline

15 Sep

If you cannot complete a term of your misdemeanor probation by the deadline, there is a right way, and a wrong way to solve the problem. Go to court early. If there is a warrant, hire a defense attorney to go to court for you. Continue reading


When Can an Attorney Go to Court for a Client Who Stays Home?

14 Sep

A Licensed, Private Defense Attorney can go to nearly all court appearances for a defendant in most California Misdemeanor cases, including arraignments, pre trial hearings and sentencing. But Public Defenders usually want you there. Continue reading


Providing Routine Legal Services to the "Masses" in the 21st Century, Part Two: A Prescription for Allowing Main Street-Based Services Provided by Licensed Legal Assistance Practitioners

10 Aug

“The county’s public law library can help you because … .” Usually the sentence ends with “court forms” when spoken by local court employee or “information” when spoken by a legal services staffer whose office cannot provide the services requested….


What is the Sentence for a First Offense DUI in California?

05 Jul

The Penalties and sentence for a first offense DUI charge are routine in most California courts. Most people get the same sentence, but there can be aggravating factors. And in some counties, Ignition Interlock Devices will be required for even first offenders. Continue reading


SIS – Suspended Imposition of Sentence

21 Jun

SIS or suspended imposition of sentence – if you can get it, is a good option for many charges.
What does an SIS mean? How is an SES different? Here’s what you need to know.

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