Posts Tagged ‘run’

RIP pCasebooks, 1871 – 2021: 150 years is a long run but the time is ripe for a change

30 Jan

“From entrenched businesses, such as Wolters Kluwer, to a nonprofit, like the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction, there is agreement that physical textbooks and particularly traditional case books will, sooner or later, become educational relics alongside fountain pens and manual…


Speeding Ticket Amendment

29 Jan

Speeding ticket amendment can often save you money in the long run. Here’s how to have it fixed. It protects your
driving record and preserves your privilege to stay on the road. Here’s how it works.

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08 Oct

Ironic.  Growing mobs are descending on Wall Street protesting the huge amounts of money being made by insiders and professionals. Let’s have a look at Apple, and the lack of transparency on its inner workings, and how Steve Jobs protected his health problems, and how that effected Apple’s stock price.  Rumors caused it to jump around, while only insiders (call them friends) had the knowledge of how and when to jump in with leveraged trading.

Moving on, what now?  Check out what happened to Polaroid (Edwin Land, and the blue chip which recently went bankrupt), or Disney when Maria Bartiromo’s father-in-law tried to make a run on the ailing company (Walt Disney, and the company came back with renewed energy) or Kodak (George Eastman, and as we speak, the blue chip company nearing bankruptcy).

Time is near when there will be a sea-change in the technology of how computers will be run and their operating systems changed – using light beams, perhaps, and the next innovator will be on the scene. Then watch what happens to AAPL.  Goodbye.  But as an “investor” friend of mine breathlessly told me, I ain’t gamblin’ and goin’ short…because…because…the pot of gold lies in WHEN!


Run! Hide! The Lawyers Are Being Replaced By Machines

30 Sep

There are a series of articles in Slate lately on how computers, or, more generally, technology, will changes professions by automating the more mundane tasks and possibly the more complex ones as well. Today’s entry takes a look at the…