Chuck Lowry, a sales rep for Fastcase, offers his professional opinion about the contributions law firm librarians make to their law firms writing Vendors have an almost unique perspective on law firm librarians. We are sometimes partners, sometimes adversaries; sometimes…
Posts Tagged ‘relationship’
Friday Fun: A 1L’s Love-Hate Ode to the Law Library
Quoting the video’s creator: “I’ve spent a lot of time in the law library during my first semester at law school. This ode represents our relationship.” [JH]
Cohabitation Agreements – Life Partners
Cohabitation agreements for partners and life partner agreements. Essential Information to protect your property and relationship.
On the Peasant-Landload Relationship in the Ancien Regime: Ignoring Tradition-Bound "Professional" Rhetorical Norms of Restraint and Civility to Promote Reforms
The “scam blogger” movement refers to those in the law-related blogoshere who criticize the legal academy for continuing to spin the story of “Come to law school. Sure, you’ll take out loans, but it will all be worth it in…
Prenuptial Romancing The Agreement
Prenuptial Agreement Romancing the prenup, is your relationship strong enough
for a prenuptial agreement? Britney Spears and K-Fed…