Posts Tagged ‘progress’

Cameron Stracher’s Comic Novel in Progress: The Socratic Method

21 Jan

Here’s little entertainment for the academic law librarian who drew the short straw for today’s reference desk duty — Cameron Stracher’s The Socratic Method. The first two installments are titled “Gunner Bingo” and “The Law School Trifecta.” [JH]


“If we can put a man on the moon, why can’t we launch the Library of Congress into cyberspace?” YES WE SCAN Petition

05 Jan

Carl Malamud (Public Resources.Org) and John Podesta (Center for American Progress) have launched a petition drive calling upon the federal government to create a Federal Scanning Commission. To date, thinking about digitization has been piecemeal. Individual agencies have thought about…


“If we can put a man on the moon, why can’t we launch the Library of Congress into cyberspace?” YES WE SCAN Petition

05 Jan

Carl Malamud (Public Resources.Org) and John Podesta (Center for American Progress) have launched a petition drive calling upon the federal government to create a Federal Scanning Commission. To date, thinking about digitization has been piecemeal. Individual agencies have thought about…


Privacy and Security, Not Privacy or Security: Solove on how to make progress in debating the issues

29 Jun

“Daniel Solove is one of America’s leading experts on privacy law. In this engaging book, he explains why privacy is everyone concern; it is a crucial social value that must be integrated into our national security policy rather than simply…