Posts Tagged ‘life liberty’

Your Most Valuable Legal Right …

06 Jun

Of all the “rights” we Americans enjoy, one is much, much more valuable than all the rest! 

Your most valuable right.Protester with Sign

The right without which all the rest are useless dreams!

Do you know what your most valuable right is?

Do you know how you’ve been denied your most valuable right?

Do you know who’s been keeping it from you and why?

Do you know how to effectively exercise your most valuable right?

(To get the complete story, go to Jurisdictionary.)

Take a moment and make a list of what you believe are your most important rights – free speech, worship, the press, peaceable assembly? The right to counsel in a criminal case?



The pursuit of happiness?

All these are fundamental God-given rights our young men and women gave their lives to secure for us.

But what of your most essential right … the one you’ve beendenied?

Do you know what your most valuable right is, why it’s so essential and valuable above all the rest, and why it’s been denied and bywhom?

Think about it.

What can you do when your rights or the rights of your loved ones are violated?

What can you do when your rights are abused?

What can you do to protect yourself and your family when your rights are trampled?

Will the Constitution protect you when your property is seized?

Will the Bill of Rights protect you when your church is shut down for promoting ideas contrary to abortion or same-sex “marriage”?

Will your “rights” protect you from forced vaccination or unlawful taxes?

What can YOU do to exercise YOUR American rights and protect yourself and your family from those who abuse or ignore your individual God-given rights?

March with signs?

Write letters to your Congressman?

Take to the streets with torches and pitchforks?

Or do as so many do these days and send emails to tell everyone how unhappy you are with Washington politics?

There is a better way: Exercise your most valuable right!

Learn what your # right is and how to use it effectively!


Demand YOUR rights in court!

That’s why the Founders set our nation up with courts, so YOU would have someone to complain to, someone who has the power to enforce your rights!

It’s easy, once you know how to get “due process”.

That’s right.

Due process IS your most valuable right.

Due process is your most valuable right, because without the ability to win in court, the rest of your “rights” are just political rhetoric, promises with no power.

The Constitution of the United States promises you the protection ofdue process, but it doesn’t tell you what due process is or how to get it!

Due process is a P-R-O-C-E-S-S … and you’ve been DENIED knowledge of what that process is and how to use it to protect your rights!

Lawyers have seen to that … and it’s high time YOU learned what due process is, how it works, and how to use it to protect yourself and your loved ones from any and all abuses of your fundamental God-given rights!

What good are Constitutional Guarantees if you cannot afford to pay some law firm $50,000 to work the process for you? The Constitution itself is just a piece of paper with no power whatever beyond the power of men in high places to sign papers that order other people to do “what’s right”. If you are relying on the Constitution to protect your rights, you are falling into the very trap that my profession wants you to fall into – relying on them who must be paid to protect your rights!

Fortunately, there’s another way!

For the first time in history, the mysteries of due process hidden from you and your children by lawyers all these years are now made easy-to-understand at last – thanks to the internet, multi-media technologies, and the official Jurisdictionary 24-hour step-by-step course!

The secrets of “due process” are now revealed!

You don’t need a law degree to understand due process.Jurisdictionary simplifies the mysteries lawyers want to keep from you: pleadings, motions, depositions, subpoenas, evidence rules, courtroom objections, etc. The legal profession would have you believe you aren’t smart enough to learn what it takes to win in court, but all you have to do is read our testimonials to see how people just like you ARE WINNING!

Teaching people due process is my passion and the moral imperative of everyone who loves Liberty enough to work for Justice through our courts.

Even if you have thousands of dollars to pay lawyers to go to court for you, Jurisdictionary can help you save money by showing you in simplified teachings just what your lawyer could and should be doing to earn his or her pay.

If you can’t afford a lawyer (or don’t trust them) then this affordable 24-hour step-by-step course is just what you need to protect your other God-given rights from abuse.

Are your rights being abused?

Do you see the rights of others being abused?

Take it to the courts!

Exercise your most valuable right!

Learn the process of due process that the lawyers don’t want you to know … and stand up for your rights effectively!

Signs, emails, pitchforks, and letters to your Congressman don’t work! Nothing changes!

Knowing how to demand due process in court works!

And, nobody makes it easier than Jurisdictionary!

Tell your friends what their most valuable right is!

Wake people up to the fact that without the knowledge of due process (or many thousands of dollars to pay lawyers) your other fundamental “rights” are just empty promises.

The man or woman who knows the process of due process and how to demand justice from the courts is truly free!

Do what Jurisdictionary teaches, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised when judges rule in your favor!

Do what Jurisdictionary teaches, and you’ll appreciate what it’s like to have rights with teeth in them!

Do what Jurisdictionary teaches, and your life and the life of your family will be much, much happier!

I’ll teach you how to draft pleadings, make motions, set hearings, object in court, handle depositions, use subpoenas, fight back with counter-claims, and discover evidence that forces the court to issue orders that protect your rights!

You can finish my course in less than 24-hours.

Learning due process is easy with Jurisdictionary!

Force the court to protect your rights … all of them!

… Dr. Frederick D. Graves, JD



Liberty, Justice, & The Rule of Law

25 May


I have a T-shirt that says “Freedom is not Free!

The once-famous patriot Patrick Henry said, “Give me Liberty or give me death!”

Liberty is what we seek.

Liberty to own a home.

Liberty to run a business.

Liberty to enjoy life.

Liberty to walk the streets unharmed by hoodlums and assassins.

Liberty to enjoy our God-given rights!

But, the crack in that Bell is both real and figurative.

The physical crack is real. We’ve seen the Bell and its physical crack. The Bell hangs in a Philadelphia museum. From the window near the Bell you can see Independence Hall across the lawn where a Declaration of Independence was signed, proclaiming a promise as yet not quite filled.

The promise was “Justice for ALL”.

The figurative crack in the bell, you see, is our failure to learn how to secure Liberty here at home without physical violence here or anywhere else in the world.

We the People have thus far abdicated our Power and our Responsibility to secure for ourselves and our posterity the blessings of Liberty and the protections of Justice too many already have died for … far too many!


What is the point of all this?

The point is simply that Liberty without Justice is an empty dream.

Liberty without Justice is impossible.

All the warfare imaginable cannot secure Justice, unless there is a plan for Justice and a People willing to learn how Justice works, how it is obtained, how it is made available to “ALL”!

We don’t have that now – but we CAN ! ! !

Every day – and I do mean “every day” – we receive emails from people anxious to tell us, “The sky is falling! There is no justice anymore. The courts are all corrupt!”

And, in many cases, that’s true because the People have abdicated their responsibility to “ride herd” on my profession by learning the game!

Think about my words, please!


All those wonderful, brave, dedicated boys and girls putting their lives in danger and dying for the cause of Liberty … while We the People allow Justice to be stolen from us by a profession that has made it a business!

Justice is not a business!

Justice is and should be treated as a holy enterprise where truth alone is sought and the Rule of Law is secured for each and every last one of us through the enforcement of due process rules that are blind to money, blind to power, blind to political influence, and refuse to tolerate corruption of any kind!

Let THIS be the generation that secures Justice!

Let THIS be the generation that takes responsibility for our past failures and refusal to learn the rules of Justice.

Let THIS be the generation that teaches its children how to use the tools and processes that gain Justice!

Let THIS be the generation that demands that Justice and its rules be taught in our tax-supported schools!

Let THIS be the generation future leaders will look back to and praise for the price of diligence WE paid to secure for them that form of Justice known as American Justice that treats every person equally with honor and respect!

Let THIS be the generation that honors those who gave their all for Liberty as WE make the effort to learn Justice and its rules so that Liberty can truly belong to everyone!

Liberty and Justice for ALL?


By the Grace of Almighty God and our commitment to use our ink to honor those who pay the price with blood.

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I’ve been helping thousands upon thousands of good people get justice in the courts since 1997 when I first put Jurisdictionary on the internet. It wasn’t much back then, but I’ve been doing all I can to make it better each year and will do the best I can to continue in the months and years to come.

But, learning Justice is up to each of you!

There was a bumper sticker many years ago that said, “If you want Peach, work for Justice!”

Heed this call … not for yourselves alone but for everyone!

Being angry won’t help you or anyone else!

The only thing that will help is learning and teaching others how to use the rules of due process that make Justice possible, rules that control the courts, rules that stop corruption, rules that require judges to grant justice, rules that were paid for by far too much innocent blood already.

Join Jurisdictionary in our effort to uplift the hopes and determination of the American People and even people in other nations around the world where justice is for sale to the highest bidder and good people are sacrificed on the altar of money!

Someone once said, “The truth will set you free!”

If YOU believe that – if you really believe it – please do all you can to promote the mission of Jurisdictionary and reach out to people who are being destroyed all too often simply because they don’t know the rules!

There’s never been but two ways to win any contest!

Either you cheat or use the rules to your advantage.

Cheaters don’t win all that often.

Food for thought?

Forward this email to your friends!

– – – – – – – –

Winning is EASY once you know the rules and how to use them effectively!

Help Your Friends!
Forward this email end this link to the
Lawsuit Flowchart
so your friends can see how easy it is to win.

Don’t let anyone intimidate you into thinking lawsuits are too complicated for mere mortals to grasp or deceive you into thinking all lawyers are smarter than the rest of the human race … ’cause it ain’t so!

Anyone can learn the rules required to win!


You simply need to start with a clear view of the field of play, the object of the game, and the rules that control all the players … including judges and lawyers!

It IS simple … as many thousands have learned!

In the 13 years since I launched Jurisdictionary I’ve found the most debilitating factor that infects good people with hopelessness is the fear that comes from lack of knowing how the game of litigation is played to win!

Not knowing creates fear.

Knowledge displaces fear with the confidence!

Take any apparently complicated thing apart to examine its component parts and you quickly see how they all fit together. When you first begin, it seems impossible.


If someone shows you how each separate part works with each of the other parts, even the most complicated things are suddenly easy-to-understand. The mystery my profession has woven disappears!

Every one of you has great legal power!

Sadly, many good people never discover the power that is theirs … so people who know how to use the rules of court and the law of the case take advantage of them!

Jurisdictionary wants to turn the tables on crooked lawyers and biased judges and protect the “little guys and gals” that are being taken advantage of simply because no one has ever come out with a course like this. No one has ever cared enough to tell you the truth. No one has ever made it this easy-to-understand!

It is easy-to-understand how to win in court once you see things the way I teach them!

The full details you need to know are in my affordable step-by-step Jurisdictionary course.

To learn more, go to:

Click this link to watch a FREE VIDEO.


My affordable 24-hour step-by-step lawsuit self-help course includes:

  • 5-hour video CD simplifies process of litigation
  • 2 audio CDs present tactics and procedures
  • 15 tutorials on a 4th CD go beyond the basics
  • Free EasyGuide to the Rules of Court
  • Temporary online access while CDs in Mail

Still Only $249 (plus $7.50 for Priority Mail S&H)

Control judges!

Save legal fees!

Defeat crooked lawyers!

Ask anyone who has it: Jurisdictionary Works!

Call Toll Free for details: 866-Law-Easy

Get your competitive edge before the price increase.

Force judges to enforce the rules, instead of allowing the lawyer on the other side twist the law against you!

You cannot win if you don’t know how to control the judge and all the lawyers (including your own lawyer, if you can afford to pay one to go to court for you)!

You’ve heard the horror stories from others.

Don’t let it happen to you!

Order my course now, if you don’t already have it.

Know the rules and how to force everyone to obey!

Know how to draft proper pleadings, how to get your own evidence in the court’s record, how to keep the other side from getting their evidence in, how to move the court to enter orders favorable to your cause, and how to use your Jurisdictionary legal know-how and case-winning strategies to control the judge and win your case!

My self-help course is presented in such an easy format people tell us an 8th grader can learn it in just 24 hours!

Know what you must know to win!

Stop courtroom corruption!

I’ll show you how in just 24-hours … step-by-step!

Control judges and lawyers – or lose!

My “Tips & Tactics” newsletters are only introductions to the complete course you need to win. If you don’t already have my 24-hour step-by-step self-help course, go to my website and order now!

Read the testimonials in the right column ⇒

As Woody Guthrie used to sing, “This Land is our Land,” and that includes every courtroom and every courthouse from San Diego to Bangor, Maine. Why let lawyers control our lives with trickery? Why let judges destroy our lives by letting lawyers get away with their trickery?


Forward this newsletter to ALL YOUR FRIENDS!

If you aren’t involved in a lawsuit or threatened with one today, learn what my course teaches and help others who will be destroyed by all-too-common courtroom corruption if YOU don’t help them learn what it takes to win!

There are more than 150 lawsuits filed every minute in the United States – nearly 100 million each year. Try to imagine how many thousands of good, honest people will be destroyed in the next 7 days just because they have no idea how to protect themselves and have nobody they can trust (or afford) to help them win!

Urge everyone to get my affordable 24-hour course!

Do it for your nation … and for your children!

Dr. Frederick David Graves, JD
