Posts Tagged ‘legal academy’

On the Peasant-Landload Relationship in the Ancien Regime: Ignoring Tradition-Bound "Professional" Rhetorical Norms of Restraint and Civility to Promote Reforms

08 Jul

The “scam blogger” movement refers to those in the law-related blogoshere who criticize the legal academy for continuing to spin the story of “Come to law school. Sure, you’ll take out loans, but it will all be worth it in…


“If you asked me when was the last time I read a law review article, I’d have to think long and hard": Paraphrasing Chief Justice Roberts’ Remarks on the Relevance of the Legal Academy’s Scholarly Output

07 Jul

In his recent Legal Skills Prof Blog post titled Chief Justice Roberts Criticizes Law Profs, Louis J. Sirico, Jr., Professor of Law and Director of Legal Writing at Villanova wrote “[the Chief Justice] politely criticized legal academics for scholarship that…


Legal Project Management Books for Lawyers (and Private Sector Law Librarians and Members of the Legal Academy, Too)

21 Jun

Slaw’s Ted Tjaden writes that there are relatively few substantive books on project management geared specifically to lawyers. In his recent Slaw post, he recommends two recent works because they complement each other. Levy’s Legal Project Management – Control Costs,…