Posts Tagged ‘editorial work’

Scholars v Elsevier STM in the Court of Public Opinion

03 Feb

Following up on LLB’s post, Won’t Publish, Won’t Referee, Won’t Do Editorial Work: Professors boycotting Elsevier STM journals because of the Company’s business practices, see also The Chronicle’s recent article. It reports on Elsevier’s response to the boycott and interviews…


Won’t Publish, Won’t Referee, Won’t Do Editorial Work: Professors boycotting Elsevier STM journals because of the Company’s business practices

01 Feb

On Jan. 21, 2012, Timothy Gowers, Royal Society 2010 Anniversary Research Professor, Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics at Cambridge University, [web profile; Wikipedia entry] called for boycotting Elsevier because of the Company’s business practices with respect to its…