Posts Tagged ‘appellate court opinions’

Ignorance of the Law is NO EXCUSE!

10 Aug


Books 01Legal Research


If “ignorance of the law is no excuse” then knowing how to find official law that will decide the outcome of your case is critical to winning!

Fortunately, the “law of your case” is much simpler than you might imagine and easy to find! Most cases are won or lost on very few “laws”, perhaps a single statute and 3-4 appellate court decisions interpreting how that statute applies to the facts.

If you had to go to court 30 years ago, before personal computers and the internet, you’d have to dig through the dismally dry and boring stacks of thousands of look-alike books in a law library (if you could find one nearby). Back then, winning a lawsuit required litigants to spend hour-upon-hour turning dusty pages, pulling down piles of books to spread on the library table next to their yellow pad in what was often a fruitless search for the legal support their arguments needed.

All that has changed, thanks to the internet and competition between legal research sites that is driving the price down to a reasonable level where pretty much anyone who needs to do on-line legal research can afford it.

But, will you know how?

My course materials on legal research include videos showing actual screen-shots of on-line searches so an average 8th grader with reasonable computer skills will be able to find constitutional provisions, statutes, code, and appellate court opinions to support pretty much any legal argument you can think of.

These days it’s sooo easy to do legal research on-line … an average 8th grader cando it!

Instead of digging through thousands of books differing only by the numbers printed on their impressively formidable spines, you can log-on any of the growing number of competent legal databases and, with the flick of a few keyboard fingers find thousands of cases that deal with the issues of your case in seconds!Learn from Jurisdictionary step-by-step

Google® can get you started … for free!

But, don’t rely on Google® as the final authority. Google® will provide a good start in most cases, but before you go to court to argue how the appellate opinion you found is the final say-so, you need to dig deeper.

My affordable, official, 24-hour step-by-step Jurisdictionary “How to Win in Court”self-help course explains legal research with examples you can try out for yourself. Once you finish the course you’ll know how to find appellate decisions that favor your cause … and you’ll know how to cite them to the court in proper format. You’ll know how to tell the judge why you should win by citing authorities the judge is required by law to obey: court rules, cases, constitutional provisions, statutes and codes.

Clever argument is not enough.

You cannot win without finding and citing the legal authorities that control judges.

Those who don’t know how to find and cite legal authority cannot control judges nor win on appeal so they lose … needlessly!

In the heat of your lawsuit battles, you can be certain the other side will cite legal authorities favoring his case.

It’s essential to winning!

You must do the same thing … if you want to win.

Affordable 24-hour Step-by-Step Self-Help Course Includes:

5-hour video CD simplifies the process of litigation
2 audio CDs present practical tactics and procedures
15 in-depth tutorials on a 4th CD lay out the basics
Free EasyGuide to the Rules of Court
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Still Only $249 … plus $7.50 Priority Mail Shipping & Handling
Save legal fees! Control judges!
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Ask anyone who has our course … “Jurisdictionary Works!”


Keys to Legal Research

17 Mar

( From “How to Win in Court” Course )
Click or Call 866-LAW-EASY Toll Free!

Ignorance of the Law is NO EXCUSE!

If “ignorance of the law is no excuse” then knowing how to find official law that will decide the outcome of your case is critical to winning!

Fortunately, the “law of your case” is much simpler than you might imagine and easy to find! Most cases are won or lost on very few “laws”, perhaps a single statute and 3-4 appellate court decisions interpreting how that statute applies to the facts.

If you had to go to court 30 years ago, before personal computers and the internet, you’d have to dig through the dismally dry and boring stacks of thousands of look-alike books in a law library (if you could find one nearby). Back then, winning a lawsuit required litigants to spend hour-upon-hour turning dusty pages, pulling down piles of books to spread on the library table next to their yellow pad in what was often a fruitless search for the legal support their arguments needed.

All that has changed, thanks to the internet and competition between legal research sites that is driving the price down to a reasonable level where pretty much anyone who needs to do on-line legal research can afford it.

But, will you know how?

My course materials on legal research include videos showing actual screen-shots of on-line searches so an average 8th grader with reasonable computer skills will be able to find constitutional provisions, statutes, code, and appellate court opinions to support pretty much any legal argument you can think of.

These days it’s sooo easy to do legal research on-line … an average 8th grader can do it!

Instead of digging through thousands of books differing only by the numbers printed on their impressively formidable spines, you can log-on any of the growing number of competent legal databases and, with the flick of a few keyboard fingers find thousands of cases that deal with the issues of your case in seconds!Learn from Jurisdictionary step-by-step

Google® can get you started … for free!

But, don’t rely on Google® as the final authority. Google® will provide a good start in most cases, but before you go to court to argue how the appellate opinion you found is the final say-so, you need to dig deeper.

My affordable, official, 24-hour step-by-step Jurisdictionary “How to Win in Court” self-help course explains legal research with examples you can try out for yourself. Once you finish the course you’ll know how to find appellate decisions that favor your cause … and you’ll know how to cite them to the court in proper format. You’ll know how to tell the judge why you should win by citing authorities the judge is required by law to obey: court rules, cases, constitutional provisions, statutes and codes.

Clever argument is not enough.

You cannot win without finding and citing the legal authorities that control judges.

Those who don’t know how to find and cite legal authority cannot control judges nor win on appeal so they lose needlessly!

In the heat of your lawsuit battles, you can be certain the other side will cite legal authorities favoring his case.

It’s essential to winning!

You must do the same thing if you want to win.


Why You MUST do Legal Research …

23 May


You cannot win without controlling judges! 

And, you cannot control judges unless you research and cite controlling “legal authority” for every legal argument you seek to make on the court’s record!

The judge is not the legal authority!

Don’t let any judge scare you into believing otherwise!Control Judges with Jurisdictionary!

The law is the law, not the judge!

You must make it crystal clear on the court’s record that the judge will be reversed on appeal if he rules against you … because your legal research found appellate court opinions that control his jurisdictionand his decisions!

Read the testimonials ⇒

If you don’t do what the official Jurisdictionary course teaches, the judge will be free to ignore everything you say and rule any way he pleases in spite of what the law and facts prove to the contrary …because he knows he cannot be reversed on appeal.

The appeal process will not give you another bite at the proverbial apple. Either you make your points with the trial judge by citing “legal authority” that controls him, or run the risk of losing your case and being stuck with the decision forever!

Don’t believe me?

Go tell a judge what your personal opinions are about the law and how you think he should rule in your case, and see how far it gets you!

How you choose to read and interpret the law doesn’t count a bit … not even a tiny bit!

The only thing that counts is how the appellate courts read and interpret the law, and what they say the law means in regard to the facts of your case.

The other side will cite legal authorities for their case.

You must do the same … if you want to win.

If you’ve wandered through a law library in search of legal authority, you were probably amazed to find crowded shelves stuffed with volumes of similar-looking books, differing only by the mysterious numbers printed on their spines. Books that give no hint which one might hide the key to unlock the judge’s favor in your case. In a well-stocked law library there are thousands of books.

You cannot possibly read them all to find what you seek, and even the indexes, appendices, and annotations are a complex nightmare that requires years of experience to master.

On the other hand, on-line legal research is easy.

We show you how to do it in our official course.

Learn how to use on-line legal research and how to cite case-winning legal authority in my affordable step-by-step 24-hour official Jurisdictionary self-help course!

Know how to control the judge – or you will lose!

These “Tips & Tactics” newsletters are only the very tip of the iceberg of lawsuit knowledge you need to win. If you don’t already have my 24-hour step-by-step self-help course, go to my website and order now!

Learn how to research and cite … so you can WIN!

Dr. Frederick David Graves, JD