Posts Tagged ‘AALL’

Say "Hi" to Velvet Chainsaw’s Dave Lutz

26 Oct

In a comment to Time to Take a Velvet Chainsaw to AALL’s Less Than Comprehensive But Official Review of Annual Meeting Programming, Vicki Szymczak wrote the following about hiring Velvet Chainsaw Consulting to assess AALL’s annual programming: This might work….


Opening: Student Services Librarian, Lincoln Memorial University, Duncan School of Law

21 Oct

Lincoln Memorial University – Duncan School of Law is interested in hiring a Student Services Librarian. This position requires a MLS and a JD. For more information, visit the Career section of AALL’s website. [JH]


"Transparency continues to be an issue for AALL members"

18 Oct

In the From the President column in the September/October 2011 issue of AALL Spectrum, Darcy Kirk writes Transparency continues to be an issue for AALL members, so I plan to provide as much information to members as possible, in as…


Time to Take a Velvet Chainsaw to AALL’s Less Than Comprehensive But Official Review of Annual Meeting Programming

17 Oct

I doubt I was the only AALL member to hear that our association had retained Velvet Chainsaw Consulting to conduct a “comprehensive review of the Annual Meeting educational programming” and that a Velvet Chainsaw representative “attended the 2011 Annual Meeting…


Salt of the Earth, Part II: AALL Patronage by Way of Handing Out Honoraria

26 Sep

Call me old school but I’ve always thought that folks who are willing to expend their blood, sweat and tears in AALL activities (ah, that would NOT be me because I don’t like wasting that much of my time) should…


Thank you AALL for Listening and Being Flexible

31 Aug

I want to publicly thank AALL. I received an email today from Kate Hagan letting me know that while AALL was adhering to the September 15th deadline they were also going to provide members affected by the earthquake and hurricane…


Contemplating “RIP AALL” Ahead of Boston 2012: Muster of the Minutemen (and Minutewomen)

31 Aug

As an organization of institutional buyers, AALL is on the verge of becoming irrelevant. Just follow the money. Look at where our major “legal professional service vendors” are spending their ad and meeting sponsorship dollars for marketing their wares. It…


Why must AALL annual meeting program proposals be submitted a whooping 10 months ahead of the event?

30 Aug

I think if one checked other associations, you will find AALL probably has one of the earliest deadlines for program proposal submissions for ass’n annual meeting planning. One doesn’t need earthquakes and hurricanes to pose this question: Why must annual…


Time for AALL to "Interfere" in Licensing: An Approach for Petitioning State Governments

29 Aug

Initially I thought the title of this post would be “Time for a Model Act on Fair Use Preservation in Licensing of Electronic Content?” Certainly UNC Law’s David Robert Hansen has provided a working draft for consideration by the NCCUSL…


News Flash: TR Legal Not for Sale!

02 Aug

Word is TR Professional wants to dispel any rumors that were circulating at AALL Philly 2011 by stating that TR Legal is not, I repeat, not up for sale. Rumors started circulating that TR Legal might be on the chopping…