Archive for the ‘Electronic Resource’ Category

An eBook Divide

12 Dec

eBooks seem to hog up a lot of space in both the information and legal professional trade presses these days. On pg 12 of the December 2011 Information Today issue, there is an article on “Ebook trends” (the author used…


A Bit More On e-Books And Libraries

09 Dec

An article in The Atlantic called Library Wars: Amazon and Publishers Vie for Control of E-Book Rentals by Peter Osnos that examines the publishing world’s paranoia with e-books. They love the idea of selling them at prices comparable to print…


Free and Reliable e-Text Downloads for the New Federal Rules of Evidence (as well as 2012 editions of Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and Criminal Procedure)

06 Dec

The Restyled Federal Rules of Evidence, which became effective on December 1, 2011, are “[s]impler. Easier to read. Easier to understand. These [characterizations] describe the Federal Rules of Evidence after their first top-to-bottom restyling since they were drafted and enacted…


From Point A to Point B: Can a court take judicial notice of the distance as calculated by Google Maps?

06 Dec

According to the recent opinion in United States v. Sessa, 2011 WL 256330 (E.D.N.Y. 2011), the answer is “yes” writes Colin Miller. See his EvidenceProf Blog post for details. [JH]


PACER Users Training Site

03 Dec

Hat tip to Deborah K. Hackerson, Law Librarian & Legal Research Adjunct, Univ. of St. Thomas School of Law, for her FYI Legal Skills Prof Blog post about PACER’s training site. Do note that according to Nota Bene’s Nov. 13,…


PACER Users Training Site

03 Dec

Hat tip to Deborah K. Hackerson, Law Librarian & Legal Research Adjunct, Univ. of St. Thomas School of Law, for her FYI Legal Skills Prof Blog post about PACER’s training site. Do note that according to Nota Bene’s Nov. 13,…


Final Exam Study Aid: CALI Lessons Indexed by Casebook

02 Dec

A quick study tip for studying for finals by way of Sarah Glassmeyer’s CALI Spotlight post. Check out CALI’s lessons by casebook page. Could be very useful for students because they can locate which lessons go with their class notes…


If Only Lawyers Really Were Ethically Obligated to Monitor the Accuracy of Online Legal Search Services and Required to Obtain Detailed Infomation about Vendors’ Editor Qualifications and Search Algorithms

01 Dec

Carolyn Elefant is a well-respected attorney-blogger but in a recent post on a proposed new Comment to ABA Ethic Rule 5.3, I think she has over-reached to infinity and beyond in her interpretation. The proposed new comment reads in full:…


Penguin Pulls Books From Overdrive Lending Program for Libraries

23 Nov

Penguin announced on Monday that it was pulling its digital editions from Overdrive’s library lending program because of security reasons. This may have more to do with Overdrive’s relationship with Amazon, who angered publishers by offering free ebook loans to…


Right-sizing Academic Law Library Print Collections in and for the 21st Century: Cornell substituting print with digital like "all other top law schools are doing" but consequences need to be addressed

23 Nov

Most every academic law library director knows that when their institutions need more space, the law library’s big footprint on the blueprint becomes an attractive target for a land grab. Law firm directors too. At least since the hiring boom…