Archive for the ‘DMV News’ Category

Traffic Ticket “Amnesty” in California Starts in January 2012. But Is It Too Good to Be True?

15 Dec

California is offering a Traffic Ticket Amnesty Program, but there are many restrictions, and even if you qualify, you get a 50% discount only if you can pay in full. Warrant cases must be resolved first. Continue reading


What Happens If You Get Into An Accident Without Insurance in California?

13 Oct

The real danger of not having auto liability insurance is not a fine. A lack of auto insurance can screw up your life pretty good, fast. Continue reading


How Does California DMV Treat a Failure to Appear? Here is the Law.

21 Sep

How Does DMV Treat a Failure to Appear on a traffic ticket? The law allows an FTA conviction to show on your record and can become the basis of a “Negligent Driver” suspension. Continue reading


Is It Possible to Get My Drivers License Back After a 2nd DUI in California?

03 Jun

There are some loopholes for reinstating a drivers license suspended after a 2nd or 3rd DUI in CA, but its not an easy task. Continue reading