Archive for the ‘Administration’ Category

"Sign up for WestlawNext now because Westlaw is going to disappear:" Isolated Pitch or New Sales Tactic?

07 Jun

From a very, very credible source, I have heard that at least one public agency received a pitch that essentially said, “sign up for WestlawNext now because Westlaw is going to disappear” recently. Not a direct quote because the West…


Innovative Solution to Closure of Camden Public Library’s Main Branch May Point the Way for Struggling County Law Libraries

06 Jun

The downtown “branch” of New Jersey’s Camden City Public Library was closed in February when Mayor Dana Redd decided the city could no longer afford its 100-year-old public library system while facing a $26.5 million budget deficit. “As soon as…


Femi Cadmus Appointed Cornell Law Librarian

01 Jun

Congratulations to Femi Cadmus who has accepted the position of Law Librarian and Associate Dean for Library Services at Cornell Law School and will succeed Claire Germain later this summer. For the past three years, Femi has served as the…